Page 68 of Freed By The Pack

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I smiled at his confession as I sat on my bed cross-legged. I was hungry as hell, and the smell of my mom’s cooking made my stomach growl. Suddenly, the timer went off, and my appetite took a nose-dive.

“You can look at it first,” I said.

He went into the bathroom, and I watched him pick it up. I looked away so I didn’t see what his facial expression would reveal. Then when I saw him kneel before me on the edge of the bed, I was freaking out.

My heart thundered in my ears, and my hands shook as he silently handed me the test while kissing my belly. There was a big blue plus sign clear as day on it.

“You’re pregnant,” he growled.

“It must be a mistake,” I said, panicking as the test dropped to the floor because my hands were shaking so much. It was like a thunderbolt crashed through the sky, the news shaking me to the core.

“Not at all,” said Sergio. “Why are you so scared, Liv?”

“I never imagined getting pregnant,” I said. “I wanted to have a baby with a pack who cares about me.”

“And you have that,” said Sergio, looking at me with warmth in his eyes. “How about we go on a lunch date tomorrow with my pack?”

“I know you feel obligated, but I can take care of myself and the baby,” I said. “Seriously.”

“Even if you weren’t pregnant, I want you,” he said. “Believe it or not, I can’t bear to even leave you right now. How about that lunch date?”

“Fine,” I said, sighing.

Then I looked at his face and smiled. A realization settled inside me when I looked into his eyes. He would do anything for me, and warmth poured into my soul. Leaning down, I grasped his face and kissed him, to his shock.

“Hm, what was that for?” he asked with a grin.

“I just felt like it,” I said. “A burst of…of love, I guess.”

He breathed deeply, raising himself onto my bed and pulling me into a hug. I could feel his chest puffing proudly beneath me as he absorbed my scent around us.

“I love you, Liv. More than you’ll ever know.”

Tears burned at my eyes and slid down my cheeks as I cuddled into his warmth. Then I smelt his shirt.

“I love you too, Serg, but you need to go before my mom freaks out,” I said, pulling away. His eyes danced with amusement at my words.

“Alright, alright,” he said, lifting his hands. “I’m going to head out now. I’ll see you tomorrow, love.”

When he left my bedroom, I sat there for a moment, listening to him talking to my mom. I sat there for a moment, thinking about how I nearly killed myself yesterday, and if Sergio hadn’t caught me, I wouldn’t be here. I took deep breaths to calm my panicked breathing.

Maybe I needed some help.

The next day, I couldn’t believe I was sitting in group therapy for traumatized omegas.

“Why don’t you all start by introducing yourselves?” the therapist said as I sat in the circle of chairs.

I had gotten the information about this facility during dinner with my mom, to which she was super excited about me going. The therapist was a tall omega who displayed the mark of the claw proudly on her shoulder as she sat amongst us in the circle. Her long brown hair was tied into a ponytail, and she looked at each of us with kind eyes.

“My goal is to make sure you are comfortable telling your story. And the more you talk about it, the better you’ll feel when it no longer has control over you to stay silent.”

I sat there listening to the omegas’ stories as they each talked about being sold at the auction years ago or having been violated by an alpha family member. When I heard the mention of an omega breeding camp, I quickly looked up and was shocked to see Reyna sitting there.

“I really don’t want to talk about it, but I need to heal to have a normal life,” said Reyna. “When I was just a teen, I hired a bodyguard because my family was psychotic. All they could talk about was making sure I’d sell for a nice price at the auctions.”

She paused, looking down with her lips trembling. My heart went out to her, knowing where this story was going since she eventually ended up at the OBC.

“You’re doing great,” said the therapist, smiling at her. “Don’t let it control you.”

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