Page 62 of Freed By The Pack

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Her cherry lips and scent. Her curly black hair fanning out under my chin when she rested her head on my chest. I missed everything about her, and I couldn’t wait to talk to her.

I needed her to know how I truly felt and how I would never let her go.

Ever. Again.

Chapter 28


Afterwalkingforseveralhours, occasionally vomiting into bushes- I stumbled into a dark cave for some shelter. It had gotten dark outside, and fear went through me upon entering the cave.Shit, I had gone too far from the camp.Ahead of me was a cliff, so I decided to stop and rest here.

Sitting in the cave was terrifying. I couldn’t see anything in the dark, and panic settled within me.

But the longer I sat there, the more I was lost to the darkness.

“No, no, no,” I said out loud as memories started to surface again. Memories of the OBC. Memories of Brett and the sweaty alphas. “No!”

I ran out of the cave and breathed in deeply when I looked up at the moon, which barely peeked through the trees. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I stood there staring at the cliff.

I could just end it all.

Make all my memories disappear.

My feet seemed to move by themselves toward the edge, and my heart pumped wildly as tears streamed down my face. Nobody gave a fuck about me. I was just a breeding tool for alphas.

And maybe I was. I was just a toy for the alphas.

I stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the swirl of darkness that would end me. The peace of no more worrying.

I held a hand to my belly, suddenly feeling a flutter within me. And chills went through me.

At that moment, I knew I was carrying a baby within me.Was it fair to him that I might end my life right now? And his life?

No, no I couldn’t do this.

Letting out a long breath, I turned around on wobbly legs. I couldn’t believe I almost gave in to the dark. My heart was beating wildly in my chest, from my attempt.

But I suddenly slipped on the edge.

I screamed as I felt myself start to fall in the air, and I automatically reached out to grab the edge, but instead, my hand wrapped around someone else’s.

The hand quickly pulled me up mid-air, setting me on the ground.

“Olivia,” barked a deep male voice.

I looked up to see Sergio standing there as he gripped my hand in his. His hair flew back in the wind as he glared at me with pity in his eyes.


“Hey,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “Nice to see you’re back to knot me some more. Didn’t you get enough of me, like you said?”

“I’m not here to knot you,” he growled. “What are you doing, trying to kill yourself, Olivia?!”

My pulse was thundering in my ears, and tears were streaming down my face. I couldn’t move, and I was shaking uncontrollably. Sergio wrapped me in a hug, and I sunk into his body, allowing his alpha warmth to envelop me. My body shuddered as I sobbed into his chest, and he purred into my neck.

“I…I couldn’t stop myself,” I said in a shaky voice as he rubbed my back.

“Shh, Liv,” he purred. “You can tell me in a few moments when you’ve calmed down. But you’re going to tell me everything, alright?”

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