Page 63 of Freed By The Pack

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I nodded against his chest, and he let out a grunt of satisfaction. We stood there for a few minutes while he held me tight, and memories of what I did ran through my mind. I couldn’t believe I just tried to end my life.

But the despair hadn’t left me.

The only thing that stopped me at the last minute was the baby in my belly. The baby had let me know that he was there, and I sobbed harder at the realization.

“I almost killed him,” I hiccuped.


“My baby,” I said.

Sergio slowly released me and cupped my face in his hands. He wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

“Well, you didn’t,” he said. “Thank fuck that I came in time. I would have lost you forever. Let’s sit you down somewhere while I build a fire for us.”

“Okay,” I said, walking with trembling legs towards the cave, but then I stopped. “Let’s go somewhere else.”

It felt nice to have Sergio by my side as we walked between the trees, looking for a spot to settle for the night. He took care of me, brushing away the twigs from my shirt and offering to carry me half the time. My feet were sore, but I didn’t want to accept his offer. I had no idea why he was even here. I needed to know why the hell he came back looking for me when he hadn’t cared before when I left his home.

Locating a cozy spot in front of a small riverbed, I sat on a boulder as he collected whatever he could to build a fire. It was colder out here than on the mainland, so I hugged myself, shivering as I watched Sergio gather up wood in a small pile before me.

Soon, he had a raging fire going, and he scooped me up in his arms, surrounding me in his warmth once again as we watched the fire together.

Something about sitting on his lap wrapped between his arms, put a sense of safety and security within me.

“You’ve been through a lot today, babe,” he said in a low voice next to my ear. “Do you mind telling me how you got separated from everyone?”

I really didn’t feel like explaining myself, but he had saved my life after all.

“We got into a fight,” I said simply, without going into details. He didn’t need to hear all the details. “I walked away, that’s all. Then I slipped on the edge of the cliff.”

“Are you sure you just ‘slipped’?” he interrogated, pressing his chin to my shoulder. I sighed, and I knew there was no way I could avoid telling him the truth.

“I wanted to end it at first,” I said. “Then I changed my mind, and I slipped.”

He was probably thinking that I was a crazy, suicidal omega hell-bent on hurting myself. I shrank while sitting on his lap, trying not to look at him.

“Why did you want to end it, little omega?” he asked. His gentle voice nearly had me crying again. “So many people care about you. Especially your parents.”

“The memories of getting violated were too much,” I said. “I couldn’t handle it anymore.”

“You’re strong,” he said, and I closed my eyes, trying not to cry. “You were strong the entire time at the OBC, and you’ll be strong during your healing process. Don’t forget that.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“Don’t give up hope,” he said. “For yourself, your family. And for…me.”

My stomach flipped at his last sentence. I didn’t know what he meant by that, but it would be something I’d think about tonight.

“Do you really care about me?” I asked.

“Let’s just say that I never want to leave your side again,” said Sergio. “Will you be my omega?”

“Is it because I might be pregnant?” I said, wondering why he didn’t look more surprised at the possibility.

“No,” he said. “I went to your house every day to check on you. I watched you sleep.”

“What?” I said, shocked.

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