Page 36 of Freed By The Pack

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“We’ll be waiting for you right here,” said Sergio and I nodded. His eyes held compassion and pity that I couldn’t face yet.

I couldn’t talk to him about any of it at all.

“Okay,” I said, following the flight attendant further down the plane, and he opened the door with a flourish. It was a huge bathroom with enough space to fit ten people. There was a golden toilet, a huge tub in the middle, and a shower as well. “It’s huge.”

“It is,” he said proudly. “Enjoy, madam.”

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. The heated floors under my feet felt nice as I sat on the toilet. Everything still felt like a dream to me, and it felt like I was walking around on clouds. I still couldn’t believe I made it out of the OBC when it felt like I was never going to escape. But now that I was free, it felt like I was missing a part of my soul. It felt like my soul was torn in pieces, and I had no idea how to patch myself back up again.

After I finished using the toilet, I stood for a while, staring at the shower and standing outside the glass door. I felt so unclean after my time at the camp that it looked so appealing to me right now.

Peeling off my dirt-encrusted clothes, I stepped into the shower and closed the glass door.Were guests even allowed to use the shower?

I had to wash off every touch and every liquid that Brett had left on me. When the warm water hit my cold skin, I sighed with pleasure. The shower was everything I dreamt of. My stomach muscles squeezed painfully while I stood there under the water.

I was probably just hungry after days of being stuck at the camp, so I ignored the tight squeezing of my abdomen, which happened again when I grabbed the shampoo bottle. Lathering the shampoo in my hair, it felt so good doing normal tasks like this again. I massaged the shampoo into my scalp, feeling my tension decrease from being in fight or flight mode for days.

But when I closed my eyes, all I could see was Brett’s smirking face when he thrust into me one last time, and my stomach squeezed painfully again.

Breathing hard in a panic, I opened my eyes and quickly squeezed out the shampoo. I couldn’t let my mind go there. If I thought about everything that happened, I would surely lose my freaking mind.

Then I heard knocking on the door.

“Ma’am, we’re about to take off,” I heard the flight attendant say, and I hurriedly turned off the water after rinsing off.

I had never been on a plane before, and I had no idea that I wasn’t supposed to be in here until after we were in the air. Drying myself off with one of the neatly folded towels, I searched for something to wear in the mini-closet they had.

I had to wear either my soiled ripped clothing or a silk bathrobe covered in floral design. Picking the latter, I threw it on and tied the rope really tight so it wouldn’t fly open since I wore nothing underneath. I wish they had underwear, but I guess they assumed that the traveler would have their own outfits.

I had nothing on me at all. I had no money and no clothes.

The bathrobe flowed to my ankles, and my hair hung in wet curls around my shoulders. I rolled up my filthy clothes in a ball and stuffed it into the trash with satisfaction. Before leaving the bathroom, I grabbed a miniature bottle of lotion, and I was happy that the cramping in my belly had at least stopped for now.

When I joined the alphas in the lounge, they all looked up at me when I walked in hesitantly. I forgot how to act normal around them.

They weren’t out to get me.

I sank into one of the cushioned chairs between Ian and Sergio. The soft feel and fabric made it feel like I was sitting on clouds. It was amazing as I looked out the window.

The plane started to move, and I was nearly jolted off my chair. I instantly grabbed Ian’s hand during takeoff, and he squeezed my hand comfortingly until we were finally in the sky.

“Sorry,” I said bashfully. “I’ve never flown on a plane before.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” said Ian in the gentlest voice. “You can hold onto me whenever you need to or whenever you get scared. I don’t mind, Livvy.”

“Livvy?” I asked, my lips quirking into a smile.

“I can call you just Liv if you don’t like it,” he said.

“I love it,” I said, my heart pounding as we locked eyes, but I quickly looked away towards the window. It was so beautiful and peaceful, gazing at the night sky as slow music played in the background over the soft hum of the engine. The cabin was dimmed with little periwinkle lights on the ceiling, and the table between us was covered with little bows of snacks.

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this type of luxury after my experience.

“Look, they’re trying to escape,” said Evan, pointing at something in the distance outside. I squinted in the darkness of the cabin, making out a speedboat in the ocean and Henry running around it. There were even omegas on the boat that he was trying to take with him.

Loud shots rang in the air, but the speedboat continued moving. My mouth was open in shock as I watched it all from high up in the air. Everyone on the boat ducked down, waiting for the next shot. I turned away from the window, feeling ill and breathless. I only cared if the omegas were okay.

To hell with the alphas.

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