Page 35 of Freed By The Pack

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I ran down the dimly lit hallway and saw a room with a door that was hanging by its hinges. Walking towards the room, I saw Ian and Evan parked at the doorway, refusing to go inside.

“What’s going on guys?” I asked with dread. I was so fucking scared to find her dead inside. The thought shook me to the core, and when I heard Ian whine, I rushed into the room.

And when I saw her, my heart shattered.

She was hiding in the corner, covered in a shroud of darkness, with her face tucked between her knees. Putting the gun behind my shoulder with the strap, I slowly approached her so as to not scare her further. She was visibly shaking when she heard me approaching.

I stopped and knelt on my knees.

“Olivia, it’s only me,” I said in a low voice so she wouldn’t get scared even further. I was worried she would go into shock from the tremors in her body.

“No, no, it’s not real,” she muttered to herself, shaking her head.

I inched closer, my heart breaking even more when I saw her filthy leggings or what was left of it. Her feet were stained from the black paint on the ground, and her arms were covered in scars.

“It’s very real, Liv,” I said, and she slowly looked up. Her curly black hair was matted to her scalp, and her eyes were red, either from lack of sleep or crying. Her lips were trembling when she tried to speak, but she was overcome with emotion- her eyes flooding with tears.

“It’s really you,” she said, gasping for air, and I quickly made my way over to her. I lifted my arm to wrap her in a hug, but she flinched, and I stopped myself right away.

What kind of fucker would do this to her? What the hell happened to her?

“I’m here to take you home,” I said softly. “Don’t you want to see your family again?”

Her eyes widened.

“Yes,” she breathed, trying to straighten her legs to stand, but she was shaking so much. I offered her my arm, and she hesitated before taking it. Her cherry scent enveloped me as she leaned on me for support.

We took two steps before she froze, her body tensing against mine. She stared at Ian and Evan at the doorway, who were both howling in victory.

“Oh, that’s just Ian and Evan,” I explained.

Her shoulders relaxed slightly. “Okay.”

I desperately wanted to scoop her up in my arms and get the fuck out of there, but that would only make her retreat back into her corner. All the signs of mistreatment were there. I would question her once we were on the plane, as doing so now would do no good for us. She wouldn’t trust me, and I needed her to. I helped her up the stairs while my pack ran ahead of us, still in wolf form.

Gunshots and chaos still reigned outside. I was glad to see omegas being taken into vans, planes, and cars as they evacuated the premises. I led my omega to the black private plane awaiting us, and her eyes widened when she saw it.

“Wait, we need to save the others,” she said, turning back to the building, but I held her arm.

“They’re all being rescued right now,” I said. “The Royal Guards will make sure they’re safe.”

She nodded silently, a tear pouring down her cheek.

Chapter 17


Withshakinglegs,Iclimbed up the stairs and into the plane.

I had never been on a plane before, and the old version of me would’ve been excited. But the excitement was overshadowed by the misery I endured for three nights in a row. Everything felt like a dream as I walked inside with my filthy bare feet onto the pink plush carpeting. It was like a bed underneath my feet, and I felt some of my tension releasing.

I gasped when I saw how huge the plane was.

The entire lounge had white luxury chairs set in a circular pattern. As we walked towards it, we passed by individual private rooms with alpha-sized beds inside and vases filled with plants. The plane was filled with ambient lighting, which set a peaceful contrast to the night sky outside.

“Is it okay if I use the bathroom?” I asked the short flight attendant who was leading us to the lounge.

“Of course,” he said, straightening his blue vest. “Alphas, the lounge is to your right. I will escort this young lady to the bathroom.”

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