Page 34 of Freed By The Pack

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Henry slowly removed his feet off the table. And he must have pressed something under his desk because I could hear alarms blaring throughout the building. Long, loud ringing blaring through my skull.

“They’re not here,” he said, interlocking his fingers on the desk. “I suggest you leave right now before I order your immediate execution. You don’t want to die before you save your precious Olivia, do you?”

“Where are they?” I said, cocking my gun. I had enough of his nonsense, and I was ready to shoot the fucker down now. But a voice at the doorway distracted me.

“They’re at the barracks, in the prison cells,” said Rodmon, who was pointing a gun at Henry. “Can’t believe the Royal Pack guards are here.”

“They’re here?!” roared Henry. “You did this, Sergio. Do you find satisfaction in destroying everything I worked so hard for?”

Every fiber in my being roared at me to pull the trigger. To put an end to him.

“I’ll watch him until he gets arrested,” said Rodmon, gruffly shaking my shoulder. “Go. Go get your pack and your omega.”

I didn’t any more pushing.

I rushed out of his office and outside towards a smaller building behind this one. The sand flew under my thick black boots as I held the gun over my shoulder. I wished I could shift into my alpha wolf form to get there faster and to get Olivia quicker, but I needed to be armed. Every second mattered, and every second, she was probably getting tortured.

I hoped she was okay, and I prayed furiously in my mind as I got to the barracks. There were no prison guards as they were rushing to help Henry, ignoring me in the mix, thinking I was still loyal.

I stopped one of the prison guards running towards the building.

“I need the keys. Henry said he needs all the backup that he can use,” I barked.

The guard threw the ring of keys at me without a second look at my face.

“Serg is here! Thank god,” said Ian, grabbing the iron bars and shaking them to the other prisoners’ annoyance.

“Oh, thank fuck,” said Evan, who stood up from the dingy ground, joining Ian.

“It’s not like he has the keys or anything,” said one of the other prisoners.

“I do,” I said, shaking the keys, and suddenly all the prisoners surrounded the door, ready to rush out. They were all in here for disobedience to Henry. “I’m breaking out all of you to help the omegas free.”

“You got it, man,” said one of the larger alphas covered in tattoos. “The love of my life is trapped in there. And she just had a baby a month ago.”

When I shoved the iron gate open, every alpha shifted to wolf form, howling as they escaped out of the giant cell.

“Where’s Olivia?” I asked.

“We’ll take you there,” said Evan quickly, shifting into wolf form as well as Ian. They ran ahead of me towards the tall glass building that no alpha without clearance was allowed into. A place where all the babies were born and sent to foster care for no reason.

Gripping my rifle with now-sweaty hands, we made our way to the building despite the chaos of alphas shouting and omegas screaming. I had to get to Olivia, despite the short time I’d known her.

I shot the lock on the door, and we burst into the building.

Ian and Evan bounded down the steps of the basement in wolf form. It got darker and more rank the further down I climbed. The stench down here was unbearable, and my eyes widened upon seeing three skeletal-like omegas sitting together in the main cavern. They looked almost shocked to see us there.

“But it’s not time yet,” said the one with the long braids, with a shocked look on her face.

I looked around, not seeing my precious Olivia anywhere. “Where’s Olivia?”

“In her room,” she answered, and my pack ran there. The other two omegas looked frozen in place as if scared to draw my attention to them. I felt sorry as hell for these omegas, and I wished I had gotten here earlier.

“You are free to go,” I said, pointing the gun up the stairs. “It’s unlocked. The Royal Guards are out there, and they have cars to take you.”

“You don’t need to tell me twice,” said the purple-haired omega, making a run for the stairs. When the other two omegas didn’t see me shoot their friend, they made a dash for the stairs.

Catching my breath, I was nervous about the state of condition that Olivia was in.

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