Page 33 of Freed By The Pack

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“We’re not ready,” he said, pursing his lips.

“Don’t you want justice for them?”

“Of course I do,” said Jareth. “But we don’t have the resources yet to take on such a huge operation. I will take it under consideration.”

“I see,” I said, and then I turned to leave, even more determined to find King Armon myself.

Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long before I bumped into him in the gardens, talking to his omega wife and drinking tea. After the guards had escorted me out, I was able to lie and pretend I had more information. But instead of going to the commanding officer’s room, I turned in the opposite direction.

“Sergio,” roared King Armon upon seeing me walking towards him and his wife.

“My king,” I said, bowing. And I kissed the queen’s outstretched hand. “My queen.”

“Do you have news from the breeding camp? I haven’t heard anything in years.”

“Years?” I asked, arching my eyebrows. I knew Jareth was up to no good. He was protecting his damn brother. “Sir, I have a lot to tell you.”

After I finished relaying everything I had been telling Jareth and everything my pack had informed him about, the king’s face turned white.

“Such horrible news,” said his wife. “What are we going to do, Armon? Those omegas need us!”

Suddenly, I heard footsteps crunching behind me, and I turned, seeing a gun pointed straight at me.

“Did you fucking tell him?” growled Jareth.

“Fuck,” I muttered, hoping he wouldn’t lose it. But I was willing to die for the omegas trapped in there. I was willing to die for my mother, who had disappeared in there years ago.

“Put the gun down,” said King Armon calmly. “Or else we will kill your brother on sight. I know you don’t want that.”

At the mention of his brother, Jareth slowly lowered his gun.

“You won’t kill him?” asked Jareth.

“We will bring him in for questioning,” said King Armon, nodding to his guards, who instantly pulled the gun away from Jareth, putting handcuffs on him. “Take him to the prison for treason. I will deal with him later.”

“You’ll regret this,” hissed Jareth, his black eyes narrowed into slits as they took him away.

“Thanks for that,” I said to the king, and he nodded gruffly. He wasn’t happy at all how things turned out. Especially finding out that his commanding officer was corrupt couldn’t be easy.

“I will send my best force with you to the camp,” promised King Armon. “We will take Henry down and put an end to this nonsense. Alphas have gone astray plenty of times, including myself, but I cannot allow this to go on. It was all a rumor before, but now you’ve confirmed all the atrocities. I appreciate all the effort you’ve put in, Sergio, but we’ll take it from here.”

Three Days Later

It had been days since stepping foot back onto the OBC grounds.

But this time, I had reinforcement.

An army of alphas silently jumped out of helicopters and cars, surrounding the two buildings in the middle of the night. I couldn’t believe I had managed to convince the Royal Pack that this operation needed to end after finally getting through to King Armon.

Holding a rifle in my hands, I ran as quickly across the sand.

I needed to get to my pack first and find out where Olivia was. I hadn’t been able to contact Ian for days after telling him to check on Olivia, and I was worried something horrible had happened to him and Evan.

I shot at the two alphas guarding the entrance to the lobby, and they collapsed to the ground, unsuspecting of me. Their blood seeped into the sand, staining the ground below.

Barging into Henry’s office, I could see his feet on the desk as he smiled at something on his phone. His eyes bugged out of his head when he saw the massive rifle in my hands.

“Greetings,” I said curtly. “Where’s Ian and Evan? My pack.”

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