Page 24 of Freed By The Pack

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Shutting my eyes tighter, I imagined crying babies and the horror of the omega mothers here. My body naturally knew it wasn’t safe to go into heat, regardless of all the omega pampering they did here and treating me like a queen.

“Do you feel it, my dear? Do you feel the heat in your belly growing?”

“Yes,” I moaned, trying to convince him. “I can’t believe it.”

“Of course,” he said in a pleased voice. “You can thank me later when you’re pregnant with your child.”

Ian held my gaze, and I bit my lip, showing him that I was completely lying to Henry about going into heat, and a look of relief came over his eyes.

Ian kissed me on the cheek, and I smiled.

“Kiss her on the lips, pup,” ordered Henry. “If she’s letting you kiss her, you might as well kiss her on the lips. I’ve watched you two on camera, so don’t be shy because I’m here.”

Ian didn’t even spare a glance at the director of the camp as he slowly dipped his head, kissing me squarely on the lips. I closed my eyes, letting my mind float into the safe space with him. His kiss soothed my fears and worries, reminding me of the feelings he held for me. Seagulls and the blue sky filled my mind as I imagined us there as a couple, enjoying ourselves.

When the kiss ended, we looked at each other, and I caressed his soft hair, pushing it back from his sculptured face. I closed my eyes, imagining that it was only Ian with me in bed and not Henry.

“Go to sleep,” whispered Ian, and Henry stopped humping against me from behind to allow me to rest.

“Yes, get some rest,” said Henry. “By tomorrow morning or afternoon, you will hopefully be in full heat. I can sense you’re in pre-heat now.”

I closed my eyes, awake for several minutes, listening to Henry snoring behind me while his body was still pressed to mine. Ian’s eyes were on me as we gazed at each other in the dark, only slivers of his face showing in the moonlight streaming from the window. He gave me one more peck on the lips, and I smiled softly. Oh, how I wished we were kissing under different circumstances.

“Goodnight, babe,” whispered Ian. “Hopefully, he’ll be gone before you wake up tomorrow.”

I didn’t dare reply in case Henry was faking sleep. He didn’t seem like he was dumb at all, and I wasn’t risking anything. I gave Ian a warning look. “Goodnight, Ian, sleep tight. It was a fun dance, and I’m glad you invited me.”

“You looked gorgeous,” he said. “I will show Sergio our pictures when he gets back. Just think of that before you sleep.”

Chapter 12


Withmyeyesstillclosed the next morning, I was curled into fetal position on the bed. I listened for heavy breathing behind me, remembering that Henry was my handler for the night, and I didn’t want to face him just yet. But upon not hearing anything, I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

No Ian or Henry in the bed.

Panicking that I might go into heat soon like Henry said, I lifted my pillow and saw the beautiful heat suppressant pill lying in wait for me. I picked it up, relieved that Ian had remembered. I was really starting to develop feelings for him, and that freaked me out as much as the thought of going into heat.

“What is that in your hand?” said a voice from a dark corner of the room. Henry was dressed in a white bathrobe with a gold sash on the front.

Oh my god, Henry was still in the room.

I was such a dumbass for not looking around. But I never made smart decisions at eight a.m. in the morning.

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying to play coy while crossing my hands behind my back.

“In your hand,” he growled, stalking over to me, and I quickly threw the pill behind me, hoping it would get lost. But he was swift, rushing past me and flipping over the bed. The frame crashed against the wall, and I flinched.

I started to back away in the opposite direction when he picked up the heat suppressant pill. He slowly turned to me, his jaw tight with anger.

“What?” I asked, trying to sound innocent.

“Who gave this to you?” he asked.

“No one.”

“Donotlie to me, omega.”

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