Page 25 of Freed By The Pack

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My heart raced, and my knees trembled as I stood naked before him. I couldn’t get the alphas in trouble. They did nothing wrong at all.

“I snuck it in,” I said, looking down so he didn’t see the lie in my eyes. “I couldn’t get rid of it because I’m so scared of getting pregnant, but I’m very happy to be here.”

He was quiet for a few minutes, and I slowly looked up to see what he was planning on doing.

“I understand your fear,” he said slowly. “But this is a grave offense. You are an omega who refuses to do her duties.”

“It’ll never happen again, I swear.”

“Unfortunately, you need to go into corrections,” he said. “Put on your clothes while I make the arrangements.”

Fuck my life. I was shaking pretty badly as I heard him talking on his walkie-talkie in a grim voice. He was furious as he explained what had happened in a low voice. I scrambled to put on leggings and a shirt. Using the bathroom while he was busy, I brushed my teeth and combed out my unruly hair, shaking with fear. I had no idea what was going to happen to me once I stepped out of this bathroom.

I wanted to stay in the bathroom for as long as possible but realized I couldn’t hide in there forever.

I had to know what Henry had planned for me. Taking a deep breath, I left the bathroom and walked back into the room. Someone else had joined Henry in the room, and I gasped upon seeing who it was.

Brett with his electric blue hair. He looked at me with a knowing smirk as Henry gazed upon me in disapproval.

“Olivia, meet Brett,” said Henry. “Because of your disobedience and disloyalty to me, you will be taken to the Birthing Building while Brett brings you to heat using stricter measures.”

“What?” I said, nervous butterflies in my stomach. I felt like throwing up at the news, and my breaths turned shallower. “I promise it won’t happen again!”

“This is for your benefit,” said Henry. “You will become a better omega for your future alphas, and you will thank me for it. You will know what it means to be a true omega. Brett will take you to your nest now.”

“Anyone but Brett,” I pleaded. “He hurt me.”

Henry blinked and pursed his lips.

“She’s lying,” said Brett. “I was never her handler.”

“I’m not lying!”

“Olivia, nothing will save you from this decision,” said Henry. “You will also learn when an alpha has made his decision. An alpha never goes back on his word.”

I ran to the door, but Brett rushed towards me in a flash. In seconds, he was behind me, gripping my wrists behind my back.

“You will be my new omega,” Brett whispered in my ear, and I shivered while struggling to pull away from his grip.

“Brett, don’t be creepy,” said Henry. “Enjoy yourself, Olivia, and maybe you will have learned a lesson once you are pregnant.”

Dread settled in my soul as Brett marched me down the stairs. I struggled to pull away from Brett while screaming. And he twisted my arm viciously so I could stop screaming.

“That hurts!” I said.

“Then shut the fuck up,” he growled. “The other omegas will get scared.”

“As they should,” I said in a normal tone, trying to ease the pressure on my stinging arm. Out of all alphas, Henry had to pickhimto be my handler?! Brett continued to march me down the stairs, with Henry following close behind us. “Can I at least grab some clothes?”

“You won’t need any clothes in omega jail,” said Brett with a soft chuckle.

Oh god.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing with her?” shouted Ian, who was hanging out in the lobby. He stood in front of me, touching my face with concern, and I naturally leaned into the warmth of his hand.

“They’re taking me to the other building,” I said.

“You can’t take her there,” Ian yelled in Brett’s face, trying to untangle Brett’s hands from mine.

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