Page 57 of Vengeful Proposal

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Konstantin said he isn’t a prince, but he sure lives like one.

If it weren’t for the tinyfact that he, you know, fuckingkidnapped me,I’d be swooning.

Once I’m full of food—and a little extra to top it off—I dig through the closets for something to wear. I’m tempted to put on the ugliest outfit possible for this engagement shoot.

But before I can execute my plan, another girl—new face number four!—pops by to deliver a long gown in a protective sleeve.

I hang it up, unzipping the cover to reveal a calf-length dress that feels like butter under my palms. It’s the same green as the lily pads outside my window. Stuck to it is a small note, and I recognize Konstantin’s handwriting immediately.

Kitty Cat,

I’ve taken the liberty of choosing your outfit for today. Put this on. As a reminder, it’s not built for swimming. Don’t get any ideas. Meet me on the roof.

I yank the dress off the hanger as roughly as possible. If I could rip the threading, I’d be overjoyed, but the expensive material resists.

Sighing, I slip it on and finish getting ready.

Remember, he’s just using you.

His biggest mistake is letting me know that.

Fueled by what must’ve been a pound of pancakes, I march from my room and head toward the stairs that lead to the roof.

He’s waiting in front of the helicopter. The large, unmoving blades throw shadows over his face. His long legs stretch into the sunlight, one knee bent, his light brown oxfords gleaming. Notmany men can pull off a pale green suit, especially a skinny fit, but Konstantin can.

I hate the fact that he’s so absolutely fucking gorgeous.

“You look like you’re ready to go on an Easter egg hunt,” I call out.

His head snaps up; he spots me, running his eyes hungrily over my body. My insult doesn’t even register. And now I’m flustered and hot in a way I really don’t want to be.

“Good morning, Kitty Cat.”

“Stop calling me that.”

“Are you ready for the photo shoot? It’s a beautiful day for it. We’re very lucky.”

“Oh yes, I feelsuper lucky.”Adjusting my dress, I take stiff steps toward the helicopter. His eyes stay on me the entire time; they’re like fingers grazing over my naked shoulders. I can feel them in my hair, and I wish they were his actual hands.

The last time I saw him—huddled above me in the boat with concern in his eyes—keeps flitting into my mind. The way he stared at me was a mind-fuck.

It almost made me believe that hecared.

Almost enough to make me believe that he wants somethingmorethan just use me to get his stupid inheritance.

“How far away is this photo shoot?” I ask, frowning at the helicopter.

“It’s not a long flight, but the location is easier to access from the air.”

“Why? Is it in the clouds?” I snort.

Tugging at the bottom of his jacket, he opens the helicopter door for me. “You’re not as far off as you think.”

I stop in the middle of climbing into the helicopter to give him a glance.

He grins like a shark. “Don’t you want to know?”

“No,” I lie, hauling myself inside and into one of the cramped seats.

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