Page 58 of Vengeful Proposal

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“Liar,” he says, sitting across from me. Our legs nearly touch in the small space, especially when he leans closer, his tone edged with pride. “This is the spot every Siderov has had their engagement photos taken.”

His eyes gleam.

“In the clouds, you said?” I narrow my eyes slowly. “Sounds angelic.”

“Exactly, Kitty Cat. This location is supposed to feel like heaven itself.”

“I think it would be more fitting if it looked like hell.”

Just before the pilot kicks the engine on, sending the blades whirring, I hear Konstantin growl. His hot breath brushes over the side of my face.

He’s closed in to make sure I hear him over the noise.

“If this is a preview of how you’re going to behave today, Kitty Cat, you’re playing with fire.”

“Sorry,Kostya,” I drawl, feeling emboldened to speak a name I’m not allowed to use.Two can play this game. “I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and I have anawfulmigraine.”

My seat trembles from how hard he grabs it. “Then for your sake, I hope yourmigraineeases up before we land. Remember the terms of our agreement.”

“Don’t you worry,” I say sweetly. “I can beveryconvincing.”

The intensity of his glare sizzles on my skin. But I don’t back down.

Konstantin works his jaw as the helicopter noise surrounds us, removing the opportunity for conversation. I mean, hecantalk if he raised his voice, but that might feel like losing to him.

I haven’t seen him yell yet, and he seems more of a quietly in control kind of guy.

But I wonder what he might do when helosescontrol.

I lookout the windows as the pilot guides us through the sky. The castle vanishes behind us, and the ground blurs into patches of green and yellow. The hills become chunks of rock that break apart occasionally to reveal big shining streams running through them. The blue makes curling shapes, like a child would scrawl with crayon.

We rise higher, traversing a series of cliffs until the ground fades away in chunks of mist.

In the clouds,I marvel.

I shoot a look at Konstantin and realize he’s watching me.He wants to see my reaction.I’m amazed at the view, but I refuse to let him know that. Crinkling my nose, I cover my mouth and yawn.

He smirks, seeing through my ruse.


The mist clears away as we lower toward a section of flat gravel. At ground level I see the way the rocks create an arch, and through the big gap, partially hidden by wisps of white mist, is the sea.

When I was younger, Olivia and I would read under our covers with a flashlight. We had to be sneaky because if our parents caught us, they’d yell about how much it costs to replace the batteries.

One of our favorite books was about King Arthur. I adored fantasy, especially when there were stories of knights on horseback. But what stuck with me the most was reading about the places they’d go. One of them was a mythical island swaddled in thick mists that hid fantastical fae and other magics.

“It looks just like Avalon,” I whisper.

Konstantin sits up and blinks at me. I don’t know if he heard me; the helicopter blades are winding down, so it’s possible. Blushing, I rise and hurry out of the helicopter. He’s right behind me, following me onto solid ground.

“You made it! And right on time!” A young man with slicked-back, wheat-brown hair waves eagerly at us. In one hand he clutches a camera with a lens as big as a car headlight. In his rush to meet us, he loses traction on the gravel and stumbles.Immediately, he hugs the camera close to him, making sure it doesn’t hit the ground.

“Are you alright?” I gasp, jogging over to his side to help him stand.

Flashing me a toothy grin, he brushes me off. “Don’t worry, the camera is fine!”

I wasn’t worried about the camera ...Though in hindsight, I wish ithadsmashed on the rocks. Then this photo shoot would be canceled.

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