Page 93 of Scarred King

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Telling her we are, in fact, technically married is absolutely off the table. She’d get all kinds of twisted, happily-ever-after ideas.

“This isn’t why I came here,” I say, finally stopping long enough to face her. “I came to tell you the truth about the baby’s father, but nothing else has changed. Arsen and I are not together.”

My throat tightens for no good reason at all. It’s a fact: Arsen and I are not together. There’s no cause to feel any type of way about that. But there are a million very good reasons not to cry about it in front of my tired, delusional mother.

I clench my jaw, willing the tears back. After putting up a good fight, they reluctantly obey.

Mom studies me for a few quiet moments. I know she can see right through me. She’s the one person who always can. Always has. Always will. At least until?—

Welp, the tears are back.

“You don’t have to explain everything to me, honey,” she says finally. “I trust that you know what you’re doing.”

I bite back another barking laugh.That’s news to me. Because I have no fucking idea what I’m doing.

“But I do have one question, and I’d like you to answer as honestly as you can.”

I sigh and kneel down in front of her to take her hand. “Go ahead.”

She dips her chin, meeting my eyes. “How do you feel about the baby?”

My free hand curls around my stomach instantly. Mom smiles, understanding the gesture better than anything else I could have said.

“Mom…” I whisper, my voice shaky.

“You want to be her mother, don’t you?”

I nod, mostly because it’s the only answer I can get out without sobbing.

I could tell her about Arsen’s promise to me. This is the perfect opening.Guess what? I get to be her mom after all. I just had to marry her father to do it.

But I can’t. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

Because I’m still terrified he’ll take it back.



“What kind of board meeting starts at seven?” Gedeon mumbles, nursing his travel mug like a seasick sailor.

“Drink your coffee and stop complaining. We have a lot to get done today.”

“‘Boarding meeting agenda, item number one: avoid talking to your own wife.’” He mimes checking a box. “Nailed it.”

I flick him a cold glare. Gedeon has no filter in the mornings before he’s had his first caffeine fix. “She sleeps in my bed. Makes her somewhat hard to avoid.”

“Still, it’s harder to have a conversation when the person next to you is unconscious.”

“Good point. You wanna take a nap until we get to the office? Or should I punch you in the face to expedite the process?”

He snorts before taking a big sip. Then he reclines in his seat and closes his eyes. “What’s this meeting for anyway?”

“Pobeda. Finally. I’ve had enough delays for one year. The distillery is getting off the ground this year even if I have to open the doors my damn self.”

“I wish you would. I’m exhausted.” I whip the car in a sharp right and Gedeon has to jostle to save his coffee from spilling all over his lap.

I bite back a smirk and breeze on. “The marketing director I hired is doing great work. Rebecca nabbed a bunch of high-profile patrons for membership to the distillery. With their investments, we’re going to be unstoppable.”

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