Page 24 of Scarred King

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“I didn’t know you were into landscaping.”

“It’s not for me, asshole.”

Dominik glances at me out of the corner of his eye. “Ah. This is for the baby mama.”

“Surrogate,” I snap. “I want the house purchased in her name.”

“Right, of course. Forgive me for asking,” Dominik says in a way that lets me know he isn’t even close to asking for forgiveness, “but I read the contract you drafted last week. There was no mention of giving her a house of her own.”

“You saw that shithole just now,” I growl. “I won’t have my heir anywhere near that pox of a ‘home.’” Sighing, I lean back in my seat and start working on getting my heart rate back to its normal icy crawl. “Make sure the new house is outfitted with security cameras, too. But I want them hidden. It’s best if she doesn’t know about them.”

Dominik gives me a knowing smile. “Of course, boss. Whatever you say.”



“You fucking asshole!” Natascha shrieks, lobbing a crystal vase at my head.

I dodge the projectile with a sigh and pick my way across the minefield of debris from all her earlier attempts at decapitating me. “Is this your idea of a mature conversation?”

Her eyes narrow into slits. “You hired a goddamn surrogate without consulting me! How ‘mature’ do you expect me to be,zasranets?”

“You know I need an heir,” I growl back, quickly reaching the limits of my patience. “And since the mere idea of fucking you makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a hot poker, I decided this was the best method. You should be thanking me.”

She storms over to me, her pearls clattering against her bony neck. “I don’t want a baby with you.”

“The feeling couldn’t be more mutual. This baby will be yours in name only. I don’t actually want you anywhere near my child.”

Her nostrils flare, a surefire sign that another vase is about to go flying. “My father won’t approve of this. We’re still married, Arsen. He’ll expect me to raise the baby. Everyone will!”

“I don’t care what you or your father think. In fact, Rolan should be here shortly for a business meeting. Fill him in for all I care.”

She peels her lips back over her teeth, her blue eyes sizzling. It’s a shame, really—all that beauty wasted on a woman like Natascha.

She slams her hand down on my desk. “My father?—”

“Your father is the one who came to me,” I remind her. “Your father wanted this alliance more than I did. Your father is the one who stood to gain from our marriage. And your father is the one who will lose if I decide I don’t need you anymore.”

She goes as pale as a corpse. She backs away from me, hands clenching and unclenching. “What do you want from me?”

“The same thing I’ve always wanted from you: absolutely nothing.” I walk to my desk and sit down. “Time for you to go back to your side of town.”

She offers me one last hiss—par for the fucking course—before she storms to the exit, blonde hair rippling in her wake.

Of course, she wouldn’t be the nightmare she is if she didn’t need to have the last word.

She turns around, fuming in the doorway. “I should be thanking this surrogate woman, whoever the hell she is. You’reherproblem now.”

When the door slams, the crystal shards scattered across the floor titter like they’re all laughing at me. I swivel my chair towards the window, hating how much I wish my wife was right.

It’s been two weeks since the contract was signed.

Two weeks since I last saw my surrogate.

It wasn’t a conscious choice at first. I needed a little space, some time to get my head on straight. The night we spent together was… more than I bargained for.

Truth be told, all I’d bargained for was a hasty fuck in my office and a pat on the ass as I sent her on her way.

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