Page 25 of Scarred King

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But it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t finished with her yet.

I neededmore.

So I took her back to my place. I figured one night together would ease my curiosity. Early morning light has a way of revealing how inconvenient a relationship would be in my life. But in the morning, Laila was barefoot in my kitchen, smelling like vanilla and honeysuckle, doing nothing but making me want her again.

I drove her home and decided that the moment I stopped being curious about her—the moment I stopped craving her presence—I would schedule another meeting between us.

I’m still waiting for that moment to come.

The door bursts open and Dominik saunters in. His gaze passes over what remains of the shattered vase on the floor. “Ah, so itwasNatascha. I thought I smelled sulfur in the hallway. What was that vengeance demon doing here?”

“I had to tell her about Laila sooner or later.”

“And the building is still standing?” Dominik says in surprise. “She took her impending motherhood well, then.”

My phone buzzes, an alert from security to tell me that Rolan is here. And then, right on its heels, a follow-up message to inform me that he’s been held up in a conversation with his daughter.

“Fucking perfect,” I mutter.

Dominik reads the message over my shoulder and snorts. “Scared they’re gonna compare notes about your pretty little surrogate?”

“Natascha doesn’t know shit about Laila. I plan on keeping it that way.”

“Protective,” he muses.

“Practical,” I fire back. “Once that baby is born, Laila will be out of my life. The travesty is, Natascha won’t be.”

“Is she already pregnant?”

“No. We only fucked that one night.”

He frowns. “But not since?”

His confusion is warranted. I’m paying her to be my surrogate; fucking her is quite literally in the job description.

“I’ve been… busy.”

“You haven’t beenthatbusy,” he says. “It’s okay to like her, you know.”

“I’m not a teenager, Dom. I don’t have a fucking crush.”

My second-in-command shrugs. “I’d understand if you did. She’s your type: smart, funny, just quirky enough to be interesting.”

“Since when do you know so much about Laila?”

“You’re the one who put me on Laila Duty. I notice things.”

“Then notice less,” I order irritably. “Your job does not involve getting to know her. Your job is about observing her. From a distance. Far enough away that personal details are too fuzzy to make out.”

“Someone is getting awfully territorial,” he mutters under his breath.

I whip my chair around. “So help me, Dominik?—”

“Okay, okay.” He holds up his hands in surrender, backing towards the door. “Shutting up now.”

He’s almost into the hallway, the door halfway closed behind him, when I bark out, “Bring her to my apartment tonight.”

The asshole bites back a grin that dies a fast death the second Rolan pushes past him to sweep into my office, never once glancing at Dominik.

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