Page 116 of Scarred King

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“A rumor,” I explain. “One that he helped along to get out from underneath the trouble he was in with the Italians.”

Gedeon coughs, spraying a fine mist of whiskey into the air. “The Italians we just overnighted dead bodies to?ThoseItalians?”

It’s almost midnight and it’s the first time I’ve sat down all day. My feet are screaming at me. Answering my lieutenants’ inquisition is the last thing I feel like doing.

“All he wants is protection,” Dominik accuses. “He’s trying to save his own skin.”

Considering every decision Jasper has ever made has been to save his own skin, Dom is probably right.

But that doesn’t mean he can’t make himself useful, too.

“I think he’s looking for a place to put down some roots. He’s looking for purpose.”

Dominik massages his temples. He looks as tired as I feel. “Arsen, you tried to give Jasper a place in this Bratva, and he questioned you at every turn. He went rogue on missions and put your men at risk.”

“I was there, Dom. I remember what happened.”

“Then why let him back in?”

“Because he asked.” Dominik opens his mouth to respond, but I cut him off. “He saved my life. More than once. He saved my life before I’d earned my reputation. I had a target on my back thanks to the evil motherfucker I called a grandfather. Jasper didn’t gain anything from backing me up, but he did it anyway.”

“I get?—”

“No, you don’t. By the time you entered the scene, Jasper and I had already earned respect the hard way. You didn’t see the worst of it.” I press my hand to the scar in the center of my chest. “But Jasper did.”

Dominik sighs. “None of that changes the fact that he isn’t made to follow.”

Yesterday—a week ago; hell, an hour ago—I would’ve said the same thing. But Jasper looked me in my eyes and told me things are different.

I want to believe him.

“The argument is irrelevant, anyway, because he hasn’t even earned his place here yet. Once he does, then we can have this discussion.” I put aside my empty glass of whiskey and get to my feet.

“He may claim to be different, but things are different for you, too,” Dominik adds before I can leave. “You have more people to think about now.”

Dom isn’t wrong. There was a time when Jasper was the only family that meant anything to me.

Now, there’s Laila. Our baby.

“If he puts my family in danger for even a second, he’s done. I’ll kill him myself.” I look back over my shoulder. “That goes for anyone.”

Dominik sighs with relief. “Okay, then. Have it your way. But I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”



“First off, I want to apologize.” Kira drops down on the couch next to me, a takeout container extended in offering.

“I think you’re confusing ‘spring rolls’ for ‘olive branch.’”

I didn’t know Kira was coming over today, but I opened the door and she was holding Chinese food. The only follow-up question I was capable of asking was, “Do you need help carrying the fried rice into the kitchen?”

She waves her chopsticks like a white flag between us. “Dominik told me that things aren’t quite how they seem with you and Arsen. I didn’t realize, and I think I might’ve made things weird. With the baby shower and the nursery talk. So this is me saying sorry.”

I swallow a bite and it feels like a boulder in my throat. “What did Dominik tell you?”

“He said he didn’t want to get into it because it wasn’t any of our business.”

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