Page 16 of Slut Shamed

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Chapter Five

One month later


Jake scoops up the pile of money, laughing. “Another total ass fucking, guys. You’d think you’d learn.”

Dylan shakes his head. “If anyone would know about ass fucking, it’s you. Bending over for it every night.”

Always the quiet one, Julian just laughs, draining his beer. It’s poker night with my crew and Jake has just swept the table for the second week in a row. The asshole is too good.

“I won’t make poker night next week,” I tell them.

“You got something better to do?” Jake laughs.

“County fair.”

All heads swirl toward me. “You’re going to the fair? You taking your nephew or something?” Julian asks.

A smile spreads across Dylan’s face. “It’s that new woman you’re seeing, isn’t it?”

“Samantha,” I remind him.

Jake grins. “Slut name.” The look I give him has him explaining quickly. He holds his hands up. “I didn’t say she was slutty. I’m just saying it’s a slutty name. The same way Brett is the douchiest name. It’s how it is. I didn’t make it up.”

“I know a Brett. I can confirm he is a douche. All he wants to talk about is Crossfit and smashing,” Dylan says.

“I don’t have a problem with women that have slept around. Be kind of a dick move to judge them for the same thing I do. Besides, they’re the best in bed,” Jake says. “They don’t pull shit like that woman I picked up at the bar last week.”

Julian grins at him. “Story time. What did she do?”

Jake gets to his feet, swaying a little. Bastard can even beat us in poker when he’s drunk. “First, she just wouldn’t shut up. I don’t even know what she was going on about, but she talked so much I wanted to tap her like a Youtube video to see how much time was left.”

“But you still took her home,” Julian points out.

“She was hot. She had those dick sucking lips too, but once I got her in bed, it was awful.”

“No sex can be that bad,” Julian scoffs.

“She bit the tip of my dick like it was a corn dog.”

Laughter fills the room. “If you stopped going for those college girls, you might find a woman who knows what she’s doing,” I tell him. I guess I’m not one to judge since Jake is nearly ten years younger than me, so the age difference in the women he sees is no more than the difference between me and Sam, but people grow up a lot through their twenties.

Damn, Sam sure knows her way around me. I’ve been fucking since I was fifteen years old, and in all those years, I’ve never had someone like her. She’s the best I’ve ever been with, no contest.

More than that, she’s the first woman I’ve met in a long time that I could see being in a relationship with. She’s laid back and easy to be around. She cares about people but doesn’t give half a shit what others think of her. After all the self-conscious, eager to please, or downright narcissistic chicks I’ve dated in the past, I feel like I’ve hit the lottery.

We’ve only been seeing one another for a little over a month, but we’ve spent a lot of time together during it. This weekend, I want to talk to her about making it official, make sure she knows I’m not seeing anyone else, and hopefully she isn’t either.

The rest of the week seems to drag by and when the weekend finally does come, there’s the threat of rain, but I’m not letting it ruin our day. Half the time the weather men couldn’t predict wind until it hits them in the face, so I’ll risk it.

When I park in front of Samantha’s apartment, the clank of swings from the park behind me makes me turn around, and I do a double take. Is that kid…?

“Hey.” Sam rushes out, a bright smile on her face. She looks beautiful but I’m a little distracted and slightly disturbed as I remark. “Uh, Sam? Do you know the kid in the park? Because he’s naked.”

The little boy looks around four years old and he’s swinging for all its worth, his face turned up toward the sky with a gleeful sound. Fair enough, because that has to be the freest a person could feel, nuts in the wind and all.

“Oh no! Neddie!” she calls. “His grandma lives on the other end. She babysits him. I’m sure she doesn’t know he’s out here.”

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