Page 15 of Slut Shamed

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“Sam,” he gasps.

“Mmm.” It’s so good, I can barely stand it.

“Sam. Uh…” The amusement in his voice makes me open my eyes, and he stills his hips, which is frustrating as hell. Before I can complain, he shakes his leg and gestures toward our feet.

For a split second I think maybe someone came in. That I left my door unlocked or something, but that would be preferable to the sight of Puffbutt, latched onto the back of his knee and humping away. Oh god. My dog was fucking him while he was fucking me.

“This isn’t the kind of threesome I’m into,” he says, reaching back to remove the dog from his leg. My horror grows as I watch Puffbutt’s tongue dart out and lick him right on the ass.

“Puffy! No!” My shrill admonishment makes him release Nick’s leg, but apparently, he mistakes it for playtime because a second later, a ball of fluff dives smack in the middle of us. We pull apart as I try to grab the wiggling lunatic and put him out of the bed. With a huff, he stalks out of the room.

The mood has been effectively killed, and Nick’s gaze meets mine before we both break into laughter. “I feel so violated,” he chuckles.

“I’m so sorry my dog sexually assaulted you.”

“Maybe next time, we make sure the door is closed, or go to my place.”

I run my hand over the scruff on his jaw. “There’s going to be a next time, huh?”

His gaze burns into mine. “You tell me.”

My heart thumps in my chest. “Definitely a next time.”

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