Page 1 of The Hook Up

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I did it.

I beam to myself, clutching my phone as I laugh and spin in circles around my living room until I’m dizzy.

I freaking did it!

I can’t remember the last time that I was this excited. Part of me thinks that’s kind of sad since this is work, but I’ll take a win where I can. Besides, I’ll be the first to admit I’m a workaholic. I can’t help it though. I need my design firm to be successful, and if that means working almost nonstop, then that’s what I’ll do.

Today, all of that hard work is worth it because I just landed the biggest client of my career.

My heart is still racing with excitement as I stand in the center of my living room, holding my phone like it’s a winning lottery ticket. To me, it basically is. There’s just something about landing a new client that makes the world feel full of possibilities.

I grin, my mind taking off with a million different ideas and things to do until my phone starts to buzz in my hand again.

“Hello?” I answer.

“So?” My best friend Lena asks, and I laugh.

“Have you heard any news yet?” Arlowe asks.

“I got it!” I tell them excitedly.

Lena and Arlowe, my two closest friends, both cheer in unison, and I know that they must still be at work. Arlowe owns Clay and Cupcakes in town, and Lena is the baker and manager of the Cupcakes part of that business. If they’re together, then they must still be there.

“I knew you’d get it,” Lena says, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “You’ve been working your butt off for this, Auden.”

“We’re so proud of you! You totally deserve to get the Montgomery project!” Arlowe adds, and I grin.

“Thanks guys.”

“When do you start on the project?” Lena asks.

“Tomorrow, actually. The owners want to open quickly, so I’m headed in tomorrow morning bright and early to go over details and get their final approval on my ideas. Then I get to start implanting them.”

“Wow, that seems so fast,” Lena comments.

“Yeah, but I wrapped up my last project a week ago, so I have time for it. There are some electrical issues and a few minor things that need to be fixed with the building, so I might not even be allowed in the place until that’s all fixed. At least I’ll be able to get the ball rolling, though.”

“The Montgomery remodel, though! That place is huge. Everyone in Lilac Harbor is going to be talking about it. You’re about to be the hottest name in town,” Lena says, and I laugh.

“Well, I’m kind of like the only interior design company in town, but I hope so! I could use some new business.”

“You could come to work here with us!” Arlowe offers.

“I’m not sure that I’d be much help. I’m a terrible painter and an even worse baker.”

“I can confirm,” Lena says, and I let out a laugh, my whole body feeling light, almost buoyant with the joy of landing my biggest project to date.

I’ve been on cloud nine since I was first contacted by the Montgomerys. I had heard that they bought the old bank downtown, and we’re planning on fixing it up and opening up an upscale boutique, and I was dying to be hired to design the place.

I worked for weeks on my proposal, and part of me still can’t believe that I got the job.

“It’s crazy, right? I mean, I’ve always dreamed of getting a big project like this, but now that it’s really happening…” I trail off, still trying to wrap my head around it.

I’ve always had an eye for design, and when I was younger, I thought that I would be a fashion designer. I was that kid at school who went thrifting on the weekends and then sewed my own clothes. I even made my own prom dress, and I have to say that I looked awesome in it.

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