Page 2 of The Hook Up

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When I went to college, I took an interior design class, and I fell in love with that first class. I ended up changing my major, and the rest is history. I graduated and moved back to Lilac Harbor to start my own company, Deco Designs.

Business has been pretty steady since I opened. I managed to land the Clay Fire design when they opened up last year, and that was how I met Arlowe. When the company went under, Arlowe and her man, Yates, bought the place, and she took over the whole chain of stores. She decided to stay in Lilac Harbor, though, and I’m glad. It’s been nice having another friend in town.

I hear a truck pull in next door, and I peek over, trying to get a look at my new neighbor. I noticed that the for sale sign was gone when I came home this afternoon, but I haven’t caught sight of my new neighbor just yet.

The house next door has been vacant for months, ever since the older couple who lived there moved to Florida to be closer to their grandkids. I’ve gotten so used to the house being empty that it’s almost strange to think someone else might be living there soon.

The truck door closes, and I strain to see, but all I get is a glimpse of dark brown hair before they disappear inside their garage. I linger for a moment in the hopes that they come back out. I can’t help but wonder who my new neighbor might be, but when they don’t reappear, I shake my head and step away from the window. Whoever it is, I’m sure I’ll meet them soon enough.

I sigh and head into the kitchen, grabbing my glass of wine and taking a sip. I was working on some ideas, and I didn’t realize how late it had gotten.

I walk over to the window, pushing aside the sheer curtain to look out at the lake behind my house. The rent on this place is pretty high, but I couldn’t resist it when I saw that view. My place is right on the lake, and I love getting to be so close to the water. The sun is beginning its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the water, and it makes me feel relaxed as I watch it.

“Your parents would be proud of you,” Lena says softly, and my heart constricts at her words as tears sting my eyes.

My parents were my biggest cheerleaders, always pushing me to chase my dreams, even when it meant staying up late to finish a design project or missing out on a weekend trip because I had work to do. My mom, with her eye for beauty and her ability to create something out of nothing, was the one who first got me interested in design. My dad, ever the practical one, was the one who taught me how to run a business and how to stay grounded even when the world felt like it was spinning too fast.

“Thanks, Lena,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I wish they were here to see this.”

“They are,” she says. “And they’re probably throwing a party up there, celebrating your big win.”

I smile slightly, the thought of my parents raising a glass in my honor making the moment feel even more special. “Maybe you’re right.”

“So, what’s the plan for tonight? Celebratory drinks? Dinner? A night out on the town?” Arlowe asks. “I was supposed to meet Yates, but I’m sure that he would understand.”

“Honestly, I’m so wiped, I think I’m just going to stay home, open a bottle of wine, and take a long, hot bath. Tomorrow’s going to be busy, and I need to be ready.”

“Good idea,” Arlowe says.

“Yeah, that sounds great. I might do that too when I get home.”

“You should! Try not to work too hard,” I tell them.

“Yeah, we’re getting ready to head home in a few, too. Talk to you tomorrow,” Lena says.

“Bye, Auden! Congrats again!” Arlowe calls.

“Night! Talk to you tomorrow.”

We end the call, and I smile as I pad through the house to my room and into the bathroom. I start the water in the bathtub, adding one of my favorite bubble baths and watching as the steam begins to rise before I head back out to my bedroom. The weather is so nice, and I smile as a breeze comes in through the window, ruffling my hair.

I grab my phone and connect it to the Bluetooth speaker on the shelf. Music fills the room, a mix of my favorite upbeat songs, and I can’t resist the urge to dance. I twirl around the bathroom, singing along to the lyrics, feeling lighter than I have in weeks.

I strip, tossing my clothes into the hamper before I turn and head back into the bathroom. I check on the water and turn it off, wrapping a towel around myself as I head into the kitchen to grab my Kindle and wine glass.

I’m about to head back to the bathroom when there’s a knock at the door. It’s kind of hard to hear it over the music, and I wince. I hadn’t realized that it was turned up so loud.

“Who on earth could that be?” I mutter, glancing at the clock.

It’s well past nine, and I’m not expecting anyone. If my friends were planning on coming over, they would have told me on the phone call.

I frown as I pause, debating what to do, when there’s another knock at the front door, this one louder, more insistent, and I feel a twinge of annoyance.

Whoever this is better have a damn good reason for interrupting my evening.

I yank the door open, and my breath stalls in my lungs when I see the handsome man standing on my front porch.

The guy blinks, his eyes widening in shock before they narrow on me.

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