Page 39 of Angel Captive

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Melody screamed and the guards rushed forward. I wedged one of my screwdrivers into the door, jamming it shut. Sobbing, I rushed up to the engine and wiggled another tool under the panel and hotwired the controls.

Fists pounded on the hatch, trying to open the door. I had no idea how long my home-made lock would last.

I quickly glanced around for weapons, but there were none. The machine hummed to life. My gaze found Xaden and I felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces and he was the only one who could help me put the pieces back together.I can’t leave him…I can’t.

Without a doubt, I knew that he’d die. That even if I raced to his people and begged for their help, then returned here immediately it would be too late. My life would be empty without him. Every day and night, I would think of him and what I should’ve done.

Melody would kill him before I flew off the roof.

She wouldn’t feel an iota of sorrow about it. How could she when she threw our friendship away like an old rug?

But if I stayed, then I doomed all of us.

I flipped on the thrusters, the shuttle jumped in place, ready to take off.

A few of the guards turned their tractor beam on me, but the ship was too big to hold by something made for a prisoner or two.

I had an idea pop into my head. I had no idea if it would work, but it was worth a try. I held the throttle down while pushing the engines as hard as I could. The shuttle bucked and revved, wanting to fly.

Then I opened the throttle and steered as well as I could. The ship crashed into the Roulex holding Xaden. Melody dove out of sight.

Xaden, now free of the beams, smiled his brilliant grin at me but waved me on.

No freaking way was I leaving without him.

I spun the shuttle, knocking down a few more guards. As though understanding that I wasn’t going anywhere without him, Xaden hopped onto one of the shuttle wings, and gave me a nod.

With him outside the ship, I couldn’t fly high or fast, but I could get us the hell out of there. Before they could lock Xaden in another tractor beam and hold him there, I lifted off as slowly as I could.

The wind buffeted Xaden’s dark hair as he clung to the wing. When we were about a mile or two from the prison, I spotted a beautiful purple mountain in the distance. I set us down gently.

My hands shook as I jerked the screwdriver from the hatch and opened the shuttle. I jumped into Xaden’s arms, kissing his face all over.

“We did it,” I cried and hugged him as he spun me around. Then I got self-conscious since he hadn’t said anything back to me.Does he know about me being pregnant? Is he happy?I mean it wasn’t exactly his choice to be a father, much less to three kids, or in a few months’ time.

“I never thought I’d see my home again.” He nodded toward the purple mountains with a gleaming dome over them and wavered on his feet.

“Xaden, are you okay?”

“I should’ve saved you.” His voice was slightly deeper, and he laced his fingers with mine.

“You did.” I lift my head, staring into his amethyst eyes. “I was afraid of becoming like my mom, but I’m not scared anymore.”

“What do you mean?” He stiffened.

“Um…congratulations,” I said in a half singsong tone and with a hint of hesitation, “you’re going to be a daddy.”

Would he be elated or dislike the news?

A weird expression crossed his face. He touched my cheek, then fell at my feet, unconscious.

After waitingseveral minutes for Xaden to wake and even dousing him with water from the shuttle, he didn’t even crack an eye open.

Huffing and puffing, I managed to drag Xaden’s body into the shuttle with the help of a ramp.

I closed the hatch after us while my stomach twisted in knots. Was it the shock of me being pregnant that sent him over the edge? Or had one of the Roulex managed to shoot him with a tranq when we took off? Or something much worse like a disease they gave him that would kill him if he got too far from the prison?

Tears coursing down my cheeks, I flew the ship toward those mountains. They didn’t open the dome and I couldn’t find a landing zone. I lowered the shuttle down at the base of the mountains.

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