Page 26 of Betrayed By Love

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“That dress is perfect,” Rory comments.

Since Emma couldn’t get time off because she has an author with a major following coming into the office, I bring my other best friend with me to find an outfit. Rory works for her husband, Hunter, so it was easy to convince him to let her take the day. I look down at the dark floral chiffon dress, taking in the halter cut and how it smooths over my waist.

“You think so?” I ask.

“Look in the mirror.”

I turn and peer at myself in the three-way mirror. She’s right—it looks good from all angles and shows off some of my legs because of the uneven hem in the front.

“It does look good,” I confirm out loud. “I think Foster will like it.”

“Are you doing this for him or you?”

I turn back to my best friend as she tightens the black scrunchy in her hair. “Me, of course. Foster wants me to be independent.”

“Then pick this dress, and don’t worry about him.”

“I worry because I haven’t met his parents yet, and I don’t know how they’ll feel about me.”

“Is that why you wanted something that wouldn’t show cleavage?”

I nod. “I don’t want them to think I’m cheap.”

“They could never. Foster is lucky to have you. After what you told me about him, I’m surprised you two fell in love.”

Once again, I have to lie. “When he started revealing himself in private, I knew he was different. You’ll like him.”

Rory hums, then says, “You should wear your nude sandals. Paint your toenails dark blue.”

“I’m sorry about not having a bridal party,” I add. “Foster wants a small wedding.”

“I understand. When you love someone, you want your life together to start as soon as possible. Go change so we can get pedicures.”

I went back into the dressing room, not looking myself in the eye. After I change, I hand the dress to the clerk. It’s expensive, over six hundred dollars, but when it came time to pay, I hand over one of the platinum credit cards Foster gave me. Rory whistles.

“A platinum card? Foster is really spoiling you.”

“I didn’t ask him for it, he offered.”

“Are the pedicures on you?”

“Yes, and anything else you want. Foster gave me carte blanche.”

“Does he have any brothers?”

I laugh, joking, “Like Hunter doesn’t treat you like a queen.”

“I know. We’re lucky.”

Spending the day with Rory calms my nerves until I arrive at Foster’s penthouse. It was after five, and he wasn’t around. Glancing around, I still feel like I am invading his privacy. This morning, he gave me a key to the elevator so I could come and go as I please.

After I bring my dress to my room, I check out the boxes stacked in the corner. The last thing I want to do is unpack. First, I hang my dress in the walk-in closet and then drag one of the boxes to the bed. Plopping down on the dark peach comforter, I pull off the tape. Inside were knickknacks from when I lived in my small apartment. I close the box and push it into the closet, storing it in the corner. Next, I move the other boxes to the closet too and begin to open them one by one, hanging clothes or placing them in the drawers in the center island. I’m so busy that I’m startled when I hear a knock on the closet door. I jump and turn to catch Foster peeking inside.

“Shit, you scared me!”

Foster smiles, and his whole face lights up. “I knocked on your bedroom door, but you didn’t answer.”

“You’re home early,” I comment.

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