Page 135 of Betrayed By Love

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Chapter 18

I exhale deeply as I glance at the screen on my phone. There is a notification, the fourth call from Laura Black, that I’ve let go to voicemail. I love her, but I’m afraid of the emotions that will be dredged up when I speak with her. I’m sure by now she is well aware of our divorce. I haven’t seen Laura or Foster in two months, and although distance has eased my pain, it’s still very fresh

November has brought some horrible weather. It’s blustery and cold, and I miss the transportation Peters provided. As such, the walks to and from the subway are something I’ve gotten used to. At least I have my own office with a window—my brother has been more than kind to me in that regard. I check the time on my laptop and see it’s just after five. Time to go home. All I can think of is a hot bath while I drink a glass of red wine.

Emma and Rory asked me to go with them to Lexi’s, Emma’s sister’s home, for Friday night pizza. Our whole friend group goes, but I decline as I have for the past several weeks. I feel like a failure, and even though they’ve all offered their support, I hear pity in their voices. It is as if they sense the truth, but I doubt Zane and Lana betrayed my trust and reveal the nature of my union with Foster.

My brother is already gone when I pass by his office, as is more than half of Eltech. Some of the programmers are still around, but that’s normal. They keep weird hours and have free reign over the time they work. I nod at one of them, Tim Verne, as I pass. He’s recently shown some interest in me, but I’m not nearly ready to start dating.

As I exit the building, the wind whips my long hair around my face, and I reach up to stop it from blocking my vision. Shivering, I debate whether I want to battle the weather or treat myself to a cab. I can well afford it, thanks to my ex-husband and the excellent salary Zane pays me.

I raise my hand to hail a cab when a black sedan pulls up in front of me. I’m about to move further down the block, but the dark window rolls down. When I double-take the car’s occupant, I hurry away.

“Paige, please!” Foster calls after me.

I speed up my stride, hoping he won’t follow, but he does, catching me before I cross the street. I don’t look at him as he keeps a grip on my elbow.

“Please?” Foster pleads.

I refuse to turn to look at him. Pedestrians stream around us as if we’re not there.

“What do you want?” I question flatly.

“Five minutes.”


Foster whips me around and grasps my shoulders. “You owe me that much.”

“I gave you everything.”

“And I squandered it. Look at me.”

Under the streetlights, I can barely read his eyes.

“Let’s sit in my car where it’s warm,” he says.

My stomach twists at the idea of being trapped in such close proximity to Foster. “Why can’t we talk here?”

As if the fates are on Foster’s side, a deluge of rain pelts us and the sidewalk.

“The weather for one!” he exclaims over it. “I can take you home.”

“You invaded my privacy,” I respond, not budging.

“Do you want to argue on the street in the rain?”

Honestly, I don’t, but I’m stubborn. “I don’t care.”

The muscle in Foster’s jaw jumps before he exhales loudly and gently guides me toward the sedan, which is now a few feet away. Peters steps out, tipping his hat as he opens the back door for me. Once we’re both inside, Foster flips on the overhead light, and I get the full view of his handsome face. He looks exhausted. There are black circles underneath his eyes and worry lines on his forehead. Our separation and his business dealings must be taking a toll.

I cross my arms. “Speak,” I demand.

Foster ignores me for a moment. “Peters, go.”


“I love you,” he cuts in.

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