Page 91 of Teased By Love

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“Exactly. We can leave him in place as a figurehead. Frankly, I have no interest in running any company. I’m happy relaxing in the sun on most days.”

“Has Jordan told you what your father is doing?”

“Yes, and I wonder where the financial resources are coming from for him to offer such large salaries and bonuses. D.G. Software does not have that kind of money. I think an audit of the books is in order. As a shareholder, I have the right to do it.”

Graham starts chewing on his thumbnail as he contemplates what to say next.

“Jordan tells me that you have a figures guy that is crackerjack. Is that true?”

“Lucian? Yes, he is a wizard with figures.”

“Would he be willing to check over the books?”

“How are you going to get the figures without your father knowing?”

“My father is leaving in two days for Los Angeles and taking his whore with him.”

I feel anger rise in my blood, “Lana isn’t a whore,” I growl.

“No, you misunderstand. I don’t mean the new Mrs. Blair; I mean Miss Sinclair. She’s been buzzing around my father for several years. You would think she would get the message since he keeps marrying other women. She’s his whore and will never become one of his wives.”

“I apologize.”

“Zane, I would get Lana out of my father’s grasp as soon as possible. He has been violent in the past.”

“She said he’ll fight her if she asks for a divorce. She doesn’t have money to do that.”

“Then get something on him. My mother used a private detective to follow my father. Pictures do wonders when you’re trying to obtain a divorce, especially ones in compromising positions.”

“I’ll remember that.”

Graham is working on putting the plan into motion. Declan left for the west coast this morning, and I expected to hear from Lana. My texts and calls have gone unanswered, and what Graham said keeps resonating in my head, that Declan can be violent. I can’t get away from the office, or I would visit her at her suite to make sure she’s okay.

Half the day goes by until I receive a text. It’s from Paige.

You need to come to Lenox Hill Hospital. It’s Lana.

I don’t bother to text back until I’m out the door and hailing a cab. Once I get into the car, I reply.

What the fuck happened? I’m on my way.

She won’t say. She only wants you.

I begin sawing at my bottom lip with my teeth as I think about what could have happened. Declan left for the coast this morning. I wonder if he had anything to do with it. I don’t know what Lana’s injuries are, so I can only speculate.

I tell the cabbie I’ll give him an extra twenty if he drives faster. He does and gets me to the hospital quickly. I jump out of the taxi after paying and run inside the emergency room. The waiting room is half full, and I run to the front desk.

“Lana Collins, er Blair. I was told she’s here.”

“Are you family?”

“I’m a close friend.”

“Let me check if it’s alright for you to go in.”

I tap my foot while she calls the desk in the ER. She motions me towards the door and hits the button for them to open. I rush in, and I’m directed to the bay that Lana is in. I stop short when I see her condition. Her jaw has a dark purple bruise, she has a black eye, and her left wrist is wrapped in an ace bandage.

“What the fuck happened?” I say as I rush to her side.

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