Page 2 of Awakened By Love

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“Money or percentage?”


“I need at least a seven-figure investment.”

“And my piece?”

“Twenty percent.”

“I might be interested.” I couldn’t believe the words were coming out of my mouth. But I was a trained financier, and I couldn’t resist. Despite my background, my father pushed me to work for his development company, where my financial skills were used sparingly. I knew a good investment when I saw it, but I needed to see the figures.

“Did you just say you’d be interested?” Zane sounded shocked.

“You might be right about it being the time that I came out of hiding.” The words kept spilling out of my mouth. “I need to rejoin society, maybe on a limited basis. I’ve grown tired of the solitary life I’ve been leading.”

Zane sighed as if he were relieved at my decision. “Would your involvement be active or silent?”

“Butler, it’s my money, so it would have to be active. That’s a stipulation of my acceptance. So if you’re interested, I need to see the financials and your projected budget for marketing.”

“Do you want them sent by messenger?”

I bristled at the thought of revealing where I was living. This was my sanctuary, and I didn’t want to share its location with anyone.

“No. Can you send them securely to my email?”

“I’ll send the email with instructions on secure access. I need your answer soon. We’re about three months out from release, and we need to get moving with our marketing campaign. We’re going to hype the market so much that the retailers will end up with empty shelves and long lines.”

“I’ll look it over as soon as I receive it. I can give you my answer in a couple of days. I got nothing else to do.”

“Lucian, for what it’s worth, I hope you do come back. I loved Cassie too, but it’s time to move on, or at least keep your days busy.”

“Yep, thanks, Zane.”

I hung up before he could give me any more words of wisdom. He might have loved Cassie, but not like I did. He never held her soft body in bed at night or planted kisses on her pale skin. Our love was one for the ages, and I doubted I would ever marry again, let alone get involved with just anyone.

I took a month off after Cassie died, but it passed so quickly that when I returned to work, I would find myself sitting at my desk, unaware that I was crying until tears soaked my paperwork. I lost ten pounds in the first few weeks after her death.

Food rarely touched my lips, and each time I saw a family member, they looked at me with horror. I no longer shaved and barely paid mind to my clothing—sometimes wearing the same outfit on from the day before.

Vivian or my mother would come while I was at work to clean my home or fill my refrigerator with food. It usually rotted by their next visits. Four months after Cassie died, I left. I purchased my cabin unseen and only put effort into transferring the funds to the seller’s bank account. As a financial guy, it was a stupid move, but I didn’t care.

With my large duffel bag packed and emails sent in the dead of night to my family letting them know that I was leaving and wouldn’t be back, I sold my BMW and purchased a non-descript eight-year-old Toyota Camry because I wanted to blend in.

Now, with the cabin falling apart and Zane’s offer, coming out of hiding was becoming a real possibility. But just as I could no longer live in the home that I shared with Cassie, I couldn’t work for my father’s company where I met her. I was determined to leave Boston behind if the Eltech deal was feasible. New York would be my new home.

My father owned several buildings in Manhattan, so I was sure I could find an apartment to occupy in one of them. Noah, my brother, would be happy because he always worried about my niece, Rory, being so far away. At least if I were in the city, she would have a close relative nearby.

I know I was getting ahead of myself because the deal with Zane might not happen, but it was a chance for me to start fresh. Start over, away from pitying stares.

I boot up my laptop and log in to my email. The instructions and files were there from Zane, as promised. I spent the next several hours poring over the documents—my love of numbers setting my mind abuzz. Eltech was sound, and the project would remain right on schedule if I contributed.

Once I finish reviewing everything, it four in the morning, but I dial Zane without thinking.

“This better be good,” he growls.

In the background, I heard a woman whispering to him. Zane was still a confirmed bachelor last I heard, so it must be one of his playmates for the evening. Probably one he picked up from the numerous clubs he frequented around the city.

“I’ll do it.”

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