Page 3 of Awakened By Love

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“Dammit, Wilton! You couldn’t wait another two hours when I was at least fully awake?”

“I hear a woman there, so I doubt you were asleep anyway.”

“Not true. I ceased activities an hour ago.”

“Anyway, I’m interested. What do you need from me?”

“I can have my attorneys draw up a contract. It would be better for negotiations if you came to the city.”

“I was hoping for some time to adjust to the idea, but you’re right. I’d like to hire my own attorney to review the paperwork, though.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“No, I don’t trust your attorneys. I’ve worked with enough of them.”

“I’ll have them start on it today. Can you be in Manhattan by Wednesday?”

“Yes. That gives me two days to get an attorney.”

“Fine. If you give me their name, I’ll courier over the contract for review.”

“Go back to sleep.”

“I’m up now, and so is something else.” I can picture the smirk on his face.

“Goodbye, Zane.”

When I hang up, I finally feel the exhaustion take over my body. Fully clothed, I stretch out on my bed and fall into a deep sleep. During the night, I dream of Cassie, and when I wake, my face is tight with dried tears. By the time I get out of bed, the sun is high in the sky. I was planning on fixing the roof today, but I need to make some phone calls first.

I scroll through a search on my phone and find one that specializes in corporate work. I dial the offices of Keene, Ashburn, and Wilder and ask to speak with Xander Wilder. After some consultation, I retain his services and email Zane his information so he can send over the contract.

Once that’s done, I decide to get the shingles to repair the roof. Thankfully, the small town of Bourne has a lumberyard where I’m able to purchase the supplies I need. On the way back, I stop at a McDonald’s and get a couple of burgers and some fries. This is the first time in months that I have hunger cravings. Most times, I just ate because I knew I had to and kept it simple, usually choking down something bland and tasteless. This time, I enjoy the food as I eat.

By late afternoon, I’ve repaired the leak and fixed a few other areas that I suspect are close to leaking. The entire roof needs to be replaced eventually, but right now, the patch job will have to do.

I quickly shower and take a frozen pizza out of the freezer for dinner. While I’m waiting for it to bake, I pack my duffel. If I want to get to Manhattan by noon, I have to leave early tomorrow morning. When I first talked with Xander, I made an appointment to go over the particulars of the contract and to see what his recommendations for changes would be, so I need to keep to schedule if things are going to run smoothly.

The next morning, I wake at 4:00 AM. I quickly dress and secure my hair in a ponytail. I should probably consider getting it cut if I’m going to rejoin corporate America, but I have no time now.

The drive is uneventful, and I make good time, getting into Manhattan just before noon. The building that Keene, Ashburn, and Wilder are located in is in midtown, meaning parking is a nightmare. I manage to find a spot several blocks away and walk the rest. Tonight, I’ll be crashing Zane’s couch on the Upper East Side.

The meeting with Xander goes well, and he recommends a few minor changes. He also suggests that with the amount I’m planning to invest, I should request a more significant percentage of Eltech. I explain that I’m satisfied with the share offered because I don’t need the money, and I don’t want to appear greedy. I’m pretty sure that my investment is going to turn a hefty profit based on the projections anyway.

Next, I head to Zane’s office, which coincidentally is only a few blocks away. It saves me the headache of finding another parking space. It’s a bit chilly, and each time the late March winds blow, it’s biting, but I wore my wool coat, which keeps me warm as I walk the streets.

Since Zane has only been in the city for two years, and I wouldn’t leave Cassie while she was sick, I’ve never been to his new office. Inside, it’s set up almost like a kid’s paradise. The walls, which are painted bright colors, showcase framed posters of the games Eltech previously produced. Cubicles take up the middle of the ample open space, and I can see tennis and small pink rubber balls being tossed about as people talk and work.

As I step toward the front desk, I’m almost knocked over by a young bearded man on a scooter as he delivers the mail, a large messenger bag slung over his shoulder. Everyone is dressed casually in jeans and t-shirts, most of which have some type of game or comic book characters emblazoned on the front. I wait in the reception area until a gorgeous brunette who introduces herself as Laura comes to get me.

“Zane will see you now. Follow me, please.”

“Thank you.”

I shadow her down the pattern carpeted hallway, looking at all the posters along the way. She leaves me in a conference room with a long rectangular table, and about twenty brown cushioned leather chairs before asking if I want a beverage, which I decline. A few minutes later, Zane enters with three other people, and I stand to greet them.

“Damn, if I didn’t know you were coming, I wouldn’t recognize you, Luc. I think a shave and a haircut are in your future.”

I smile at him, amused, and stroke my beard. “I kind of like it.”

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