Page 69 of Twisted By Love

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“He wasn’t you.”

He sighs. “Megan, I wish I wasn’t such an ass. In time you’ll understand why.”

“Chase, forget it. If you keep bringing up the past, it will never fade.”

“I know, but I hurt you.”

“It’s an old wound,” I assure him. “Don’t open the scar. Let’s move forward.”

Chase leans over to kiss me and then leaves for the bathroom. When he reappears, I’m dozing off. The next time I wake, it’s to the whimpering of CJ over the baby monitor.

“I’ll check on him,” Chase mutters as he pulls on a pair of boxers.

I snuggle back into the pillow, and a few heartbeats later, I hear Chase singing a lullaby to CJ over the monitor. I’m exhausted, but I force myself to listen to his soothing tones. In a few minutes, he slides back into bed next to me.

“Is he okay?” I whisper.

“Yes. He fell back to sleep in my arms.”

“I didn’t know you could sing.”

“Only for an exclusive audience. One day I might sing to you.”

“So, only your son gets the pleasure?”

“Hey, you get more pleasure than him.”

With a tired smile, I turn on my side and press my face into Chase’s smooth chest, then fade off to sleep.

Chapter 13

This entire week has been a bitch, and so has Cindy. She’s upset that I canceled the date I had with her friend. I explained that I was seeing someone, and it just happened. Of course, when she asked about who it was, I told her just an old flame, which was true.

That didn’t sit well with her, and since then, she’s been impossibly snotty to me all week. I could be a total asshole and write her up because I’m her superior, but she’s lucky I’m in too good a mood.

Today is Friday, meaning Chase finally has tomorrow off. He’s been working a marathon week of twelve-hour days, and I’ve barely seen him. We’ve only made love twice this week, and they were quickies in the morning because CJ was stirring in his crib. Chase told me that once he establishes more time at the hospital, he can ask for more stable hours. I hope so because I miss him. All of him.

We were apart on Tuesday and Wednesday because he had to work into the early hours of the morning, and I felt more secure staying at my place with CJ alone. During those days, he sent me white roses, and now my office is filled with their fragrant scent. Every time I glance at them, I’m so overcome by my love for him that I want to pinch myself to make sure it’s not a dream.

Tonight, he should be home at the same time as me since he started his shift at five this morning. The plan is to go to Lexi’s for dinner for the first of what will hopefully be many family dinners. I told him that once we got into the swing of things, that maybe we can have everyone over at his place for a meal. Chase loved the idea.

As it nears five, I start to pack up for the day when a knock at the door sounds. It’s Dr. Revere.

“Hey Megan, I know you’re on your way out, but I need to ask you some questions before you leave.”

“Sure, is there some type of issue?”

“It’s just preliminary, and it’s based on a rumor. I’m conducting my own fact-finding before they come to me. I don’t want to be blindsided, so I need to know exactly what’s going on in my department.”

My stomach sinks as I wonder what it could be about.

“Ask me anything.” My voice sounds more confident than I feel.

“Are you involved with Dr. Chase Pearce?”

FUCK! My mind went into overdrive. It shouldn’t be an issue since he no longer works here.

“Is there a problem if I am?”

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