Page 54 of Twisted By Love

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Holding in a sigh, I get off my stool. “Would you like me to fix you something to go with your Danish? Would you like some eggs?”

“No, I’m fine. You don’t have to serve me.”

“I was just asking.” I feel a little defensive, but let it go.

“I was thinking,” he began after a moment, “Would you allow me to take CJ alone one of these days?”

“I might consider it, but I need to know that you’re comfortable with him.”

“I am right now. I’m having my second bedroom painted and set up as a nursery for him, so I was hoping you would eventually let me take him for a weekend or overnight on my days off.”

“Can we start with the daytime stuff? I need to get used to the idea of you being with him.”

“Megan, I’m not going to run away with him. I live here now. If you would like to come over and see CJ’s room after it’s done, you may. I’ve done some baby proofing but not quite as extensively as you have. Don’t you think the rubber bumpers on the coffee table are a bit much?”

“I want him to be safe. He’s my baby.”

Chase smiles at my point. “I know he is, but he’s mine too. Which reminds me,” he pulls out his wallet and removes a check which he slides over toward me. I cautiously pick it up, and my breath leaves me when I see the hefty figure written on it.

“Chase, what is this for?”

“Child support. I’ve missed several months of his life.”

“Yes, but twenty thousand dollars is way too much money. I don’t need you to pay this much.”

“I want to give it to you. I should have helped pay for care during your pregnancy.”

“That isn’t necessary. I have a good salary, especially since getting my promotion.”

“I saw that by the way. Congratulations. I know Dr. Revere; she’s a good researcher.”

“She’s been very kind to me.”

“I’m happy to hear. You deserve that.”

I don’t know what to say so I just nod. For the next hour, we make polite conversation until CJ starts to cry. I hurry into his room and spot that he’s wet and in need of a diaper change. After I’m done, I cuddle him in my arms and turn to Chase, who is standing in the doorway taking a picture of us.

“Hey, what was that for?”

“I’d like to have some pictures for my home.”

I’m flattered that he wants a picture of both of us instead of just CJ. But I wonder what he would tell people. That I’m his baby mama? For the next couple of hours, I allow Chase to play and feed CJ while I do something I rarely have time to do anymore—read a magazine.

Maybe having Chase around to take CJ from time to time will be good for me. Now that I’ve broken up with Steven, I should consider dating too. I don’t know Chase will ever come around.

Chapter 11

Two weeks later, I’ve fallen into a routine with Chase. He and CJ visit the park on his days off if the weather is good. He has been after me to let him take CJ for an overnight and I just might. But first, I need to sit down with my family and tell them that I lied about Chase. It’s going to be hard to see the disappointment on their faces, but I at least owe that to them and him.

On Friday, I tell Lexi that I’m picking up CJ, and I’ll be back for dinner. I need to talk to everyone distraction-free. My parents are coming for a visit so I can tell my entire family at once. When I get home, I prepare an overnight bag for CJ. Chase gets off work at 5:30 PM and should, therefore, be over to pick up his son, soon.

My knee bounces, and I chew at the nail on my index finger while I wait. At exactly 5:45, Chase knocks at my door. I’d given the front desk a standing order to let him up without calling me. Taking a deep breath, I open the door.

“Hi Megan, is CJ ready for his night away with me?”

“Yes, he’s all ready.” My voice is high.

He looks me up and down, his gaze stopping on my hand. “You’re biting your nails, what’s the matter?”

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