Page 53 of Twisted By Love

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“Yes. I quit two days after I arrived in Los Angeles. I discussed it with Amberlynn, and if she had wanted to be a stepmother, I would have stuck it out. We could have worked out visitation between here and there. But her attitude towards children was less than appealing to me. I thought she might warm to the idea, but she said she would never.”

“So you up and quit,” I say mostly to myself. “Where are you living?”

“In my same apartment. You’ve been there.”

Oh, I had been there alright; and we had had sex over almost every square inch of the place.

“You never answered my question about work.”

“Megan, I’m a doctor, remember? I secured a job in the emergency room at New York-Presbyterian. I start next Wednesday.”

“I thought you only worked in research.”

“No, I switched to research after my accident. Now that I’m fully capable of being upright without pain, I can do the ER again.”

“Congratulations,” I trail off. As silence lulls between us, I fill it and say, “Here, let me take CJ, he’s asleep.”

Chase looks down at CJ and plants another kiss on his head as I reach for him.

“Wait, I want to hold him a bit longer.”

Frankly, I’m surprised at his enthusiasm since he previously said he wouldn’t make a good father. He looks like he is doing pretty well to me. After a few minutes, he heads to CJ’s room to lay him in his crib. I avoid the urge to follow him to make sure he does it right. If he’s going to be a father, then he needs to learn to take care of his son.

It’s also nice to sit down for a minute. Since going back to work, I feel like I’ve been running a mile a second. When Chase returns, I have my mouth full of bagel. He uses his thumb to swipe at a small bit of cream cheese at the corner of my mouth; then, he sucks at his finger. I wish he hadn’t done that because my body heat jumps from his touch alone.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he apologizes.

“Chase, I have a serious question for you.”

He sits down in the stool next to me. “And that is?”

“What’s our relationship?”

“Well, we’re co-parenting.”


“Megan, I know you want more, but there are things you need to know about me before that could happen. Things I should have told you about a long time ago before we got started. I also need to know where I stand with Amberlynn.”

“Do you love her?”

“I thought I did, but her attitude towards children is a turnoff. I knew she didn’t want them, but she seems to dislike them. I’m not sure I can deal with that, and it’s made me look at her in a whole new light.”

Again, my heart soars. I have a chance! A slim one, but still a chance.

“When will you tell me about your childhood?”

“When it’s right. I need time to get my thoughts together.”

“Does Amberlynn know?”

“She knows most of it. I went through four years of med school with her, so there were a lot of late-night study sessions and plenty of time to talk over copious of coffee.”

I give Chase a sympathetic look. “You can tell me; I’d like to know.”

“I will. Just give me some time.”

Time is all I have.

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