Page 35 of Twisted By Love

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“Is it that obvious?”

“No, I mean, are you sleeping with him like we were?”

I start pulling at the label on my beer. “Yes.”


“Neither one of us wants a relationship. We want sex with one person without the boyfriend/girlfriend label.”

“So you’re just having sex. But from what I see, you’re doing more than that. He seems, well, possessive of you. Like he doesn’t want to share you with anyone else. I saw the looks he was giving Matty last night.”

Ignoring his comment, I confess, “We discussed marriage and children, he doesn’t want either, but I at least want to have a kid. I mean, I might consider marriage if it was with the right person.”

“What you’re doing is not going to get you there if that’s his attitude. Are you in love with him?”

“No, but I have a serious case of like, and I think he does too. The sex is fantastic.”

“There is more to a relationship than sex, Megan. Are you compatible outside of that?”

“We are, but he can be very bossy at times.”

“Maybe you need some time away to think of what you want. If you’re falling for him and you know it won’t go anywhere, then you’re setting yourself up for heartbreak.”

“I am going to get some time away from him because he’ll be leaving for a conference on Wednesday. I won’t see him for a week.”

“Then take some time for yourself and think about if this is what you want. I know you don’t like doing the dating thing since Jeremy, but maybe you should give it a shot with someone interested in making that jump to marriage.”

After a brief silence, I ask, “How did you do it? You were a major player.”

“I love Rory,” he states. “I fell for her, and even though she hurt me, I let it go because of how I felt. And now we’re getting along great. Plus, moving in together was a smart decision. I honestly can’t wait to marry her.”

We talk for a bit longer, but soon I hug him goodbye, silently wishing that I could find what he has with Rory. Maybe one day.

Chapter 6

I hadn’t heard from Chase since Saturday when he left me in front of my building. It’s now Tuesday afternoon. I don’t want to bother him, but the truth is, I miss him. It seems like during the workweek; he doesn’t want to have contact with me unless it’s about, well, work. I’m also hurt that he wouldn’t say goodbye in person when we do encounter each other. Despite this, I have no intention of going to his office and groveling.

Just before five, my desk phone rings. On the other line, Joan asks me to come to Dr. Pearce’s office. My stomach lurches, but I rationalize that it could just be something about work. His door is slightly open when I get there, but I lightly knock on his door anyway.

“Come in, Miss Stanford.”

Oh, so we’re back to that again. I guess Chase wants to keep it professional, but it still makes me cringe when he addresses me so formally after what we’ve shared.

“Joan said you wanted to see me.”

“Please come in and close the door.”

I do as he asks and close the door behind me. I’m about to sit when he rounds the desk and takes me into his arms, kissing me hard. When his hands roam my body and settle on my breasts, I pull away and stare at him.

“What are you doing?” I demand.

“Kissing you.”

“You haven’t seen or bothered to contact me all week. Now you want to kiss me?”

“I want to do more than that.”

“Chase, I think we need to take a break, and your week away will do it.”

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