Page 9 of Hard as Stone

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Austin laughed and shook his head. “Let’s go for a swim. You’ve been here for four days and haven’t swum once.”

“How would you know unless you were stalking me?”

He ignored the stalking part. “Come play in the water with me.”

Austin dropped my hand when we got to the deck and jumped into the crystal clear water. He swam out a ways and gestured for me to follow. I stepped down on the ladder, hesitating for a moment before I proceeded the rest of the way.

“Dive in. The water is warm as a bath.”

I wished it were cold because the throbbing between my legs started up again in anticipation of sex with him. I jumped off the ladder and swam to where he was. Austin swam away toward his villa, and I followed. We played around in the water, splashing each other and doing handstands until my stomach rumbled with hunger.

“I need food.”

“We could order lunch. You’re going to need your strength,” he said with a wink.

I almost groaned. “You’re very sure of yourself.”

“It’s part of my charm. I’ve never left a woman unsatisfied.”

“Put your money where your mouth is.”

In two long strides, he was on right up against my body. I almost forgot to tread water as I looked into the intensity of his eye. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me tightly as he pressed his lips against mine. I curled my toes as his tongue licked the seam of my mouth. My body to bloomed with heat, and if we weren’t in water, I might’ve combusted in flame. I almost lost myself and hoped he would go further, but the kiss was over as fast as it began.

Austin let me go and I sunk below the water as he swam away. It was barely eight feet deep, and I waited until my feet touched the sandy bottom before I pushed to the surface. He was climbing the stairs to his deck as I wiped my eyes and followed. He stood waiting for me, offering his hand as I ascended.

“Is that a preview?” I asked.

He gave me a lopsided grin, his lips curling at the edge of his mouth. “Did you like it?”

“I’d like more.”

“Later. Let’s order lunch.”

We dined on fish tacos with a tropical fruit salsa and glasses of white wine on the deck under a large yellow umbrella. I normally didn’t drink this early in the day, but I was on vacation, and it felt right. Once we finished, Austin slathered me with suntan lotion, feathering his hands over the more intimate parts of my body.

He was priming me for what was to come, but little did he know he didn’t need to. I was playing it cool, but I wanted him in the worst way. Austin awakened feelings in me I long buried, but I couldn’t wait much longer.

Lunch, the sun and wine made me sleepy, and I nodded off on the chaise. When I woke, Austin was sitting up with his head propped on his hand; his eyes focused on my face.

I yawned. “How long have you been watching me?”

“Just a short time. You have a nice tan.”

“I’m glad because I looked positively ghostly when I got here.”

“You know what that means don’t you?”

“What exactly?”

Austin sat up and crossed his legs. “It means you spend too much time indoors. You need to get outside more.”

“I don’t have time. My job is demanding, and I’m not a professor like you who can spend their summers at the beach.”

He shook his head. “I don’t spend all my summers at the beach. I teach classes and write.”

“You can write at the beach.”

“But I prefer not to. I find it easier to work inside. The beach is a distraction.”

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