Page 118 of Broken By Love

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Is he joking? The last time I left was because he was fucking Vivian in OUR home. I wouldn’t say that’s running because it didn’t go my way. I was entirely in my rights to leave. All of a sudden, I feel drained. I want to relax, watch television and not think about the conflict in our lives. I head to our bedroom and snuggle into the chaise in the corner while I flick through the channels. I don’t know what the future holds, but I don’t want to continue like this.

Chapter 24

On Sunday, I’m working on my laptop. The animal rescue needs help with a marketing plan for more adoptions. I hear yelling from the kitchen and realize I’m too late. Noah’s talking, and Rory denies she said those horrible things to me.

Her door to her bedroom slams, and she’s talking to someone on the phone. After she hangs up, closet doors and drawers are banging. Noah tells Rory she can’t leave but she insists on going to her friend Ella’s house until tomorrow when she’s leaving. Noah tells her he’ll take her and I lean back on my pillows and pretend I’m dozing when he comes into the bedroom to get his sneakers on.

“Are you awake?” he says softly.

I pretend I’m not. I don’t want to talk to him right now. As soon as he shuts the bedroom door, I’m up, waiting for the apartment door close. I want to see the phone he was fiddling with yesterday. I run to his office and pull the middle drawer; it’s locked. It makes no sense to lock it when I know where Noah has the key.

From inside the desk, the phone goes off several times. Who can that be? I fumble for the key in the little box on Noah’s desk and jam it into the lock, quickly turning it and retrieving the phone. It has a security code, and I punch several in before I figure it out, my birthday, the month and the day.

The phone has several texts from an obvious code name “My True Love.” As I read through them, I’m ready to puke up the contents of my stomach, which is nothing.

I haven’t heard from you.

Thank you for yesterday. I needed to feel your touch.

When are you telling her? It’s time for you to end it.

I’m tempted to carry on a conversation with this person who I’m pretty sure is Vivian. That son of a bitch lied to me and has been lying to me for so long. I wonder how many times he fucked her? It wasn’t just once; it was more than once. He has no respect for me and has been carrying on this charade.

I have no idea what Noah’s end game was. He seemed so happy when we made love on Friday night. Was he planning on marrying me and carrying on this secret love affair? What was he waiting for? Me to get pregnant? Then he would spring it on me that our marriage was a horrible lie?

I jump into action, which is hard since tears are clouding my eyes. But they’re more anger than sadness. I yank my suitcase out of the foyer closet and begin shoving clothing inside. When it’s full, I sit on it to zip it up then slip it off the bed. It weighs a ton, thank god it’s on wheels. Next, I fill up a smaller bag with shoes and sneakers. I’ll come back for the rest.

I left out a pair of jeans and a polo shirt to dress in, pushing my feet into a pair of sneakers. The last thing I do is take all my toiletries from the bathroom. I’m not sure where I’m going, and if it’s a hotel, I want to have all my things. I roll the case by his office door where I left the phone on the desk along with the key to the drawer.

My phone buzzes, and it scares the shit out of me so much that I almost drop it. I glance at the screen and see that it’s Noah. He’s letting me know he’ll be home in an hour or two because he had to take Rory to her friend’s house. Yeah, I bet, you take her and then see Vivian wherever that cunt bitch is holing up.

I text Olivia and hope she’s awake. She has two bedrooms, and even if I have to sleep on the floor, I’ll do it until I secure my own place. The last thing I do is remove my engagement ring and leave it in the middle of the granite countertop in the kitchen. It’s over. Noah deceived me and I know that saying about fooling me twice. Thank god, Olivia texts me back.

It’s early, what’s up?

That whole thing I told you about with Noah and his ex? He never stopped seeing her. He’s been cheating on me this entire time.

I’m dressing, and I’m going to cut his balls off. Fucking bastard!

No, I’m packed and need a place to stay. Can I bunk with you until I find my own place?

Are you kidding? You don’t have to ask. I’d love to be roommates again. Are you okay?

I have to get out of here. I’ll be there in a little while.

I roll the case out of the apartment and realize that except for when I pick up the last of my things, this will be the last time I’m here. This isn’t my home or my life anymore.

I forgot to take a coat, and I roll the heavy case down the sidewalk as it pours on me. I don’t care; in fact, I feel free as my clothing becomes soaked. It’s like the rain is washing away all the worries and insecurities I had about my relationship. In a way, I feel untangled from the web.

By the time I get to Olivia’s building, my sneakers squish as I walk into the lobby. My purse and bag with the shoes are like rocks in my right hand. But I’m here, and this will be my new home. I ask the front desk to buzz Olivia’s place and she comes down to help me.

“You look like a drowned rat. Why didn’t you take a cab?”

“I needed something to wake me up. I feel alive.”

“Let’s get you upstairs and out of those wet clothes.”

We take the elevator, and I see her staring at me. I know she’s trying to assess my level of agitation.

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