Page 141 of Ignite

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Sometime during the night he heard her stirring and opened his eyes. She was sitting up in bed trying to orient herself with her surroundings. He had left the bathroom light on and watched her walk towards it. She went in, and he heard her vomiting. He sprang up to see if she needed anything.

He grasped her hair which startled her.

“What the fuck are you doing in my room?”

“I’m not in your room; you’re in mine.”

After she had finished and he helped her stand, she washed her mouth out with water and a capful of mouthwash he had on the counter. He waited and helped her back to the bed.

“How did I get here?”

“I brought you.”

“Why can’t you let me alone? Why did you do this?”

“Because if I did not, you would be in Christos’ bed. He was plying you with drinks all night. I knew what his intention was.”

“I don’t remember any of it.”

“I don’t suppose you would with all the alcohol you had.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “So you thought you would be my knight in shining armor saving me from the big bad Christos?”

“A simple thank you would be sufficient.”

“Fuck you, Xander. Where are my clothes?”

She stood up too quickly and became dizzy, falling back down into a sitting position on the bed.

“I don’t feel so good.”

“Ava, stop being so damn stubborn. You can rest here. I’m sleeping on the couch. If you need anything, just let me know.”


“No, I can’t sleep on the couch? Do you want me to leave?”

“No, I want you in bed with me.”

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Are you sure?”

“Can you hold me? I always feel better when you hold me.”

He wasn’t going to argue with her. It’s what he wanted, too. He slipped into bed behind her and wrapped his arms around her. It felt so good to have her near him again. He nuzzled her hair with his nose and breathed in her perfume. Within minutes Ava was asleep. He took the opportunity to whisper in her ear.

“I love you, Ava Keene, and you’re going to be my wife.”

The next morning Ava woke up in Xander’s arms. She had no idea of the time or even where her purse was so she could check the time on her phone. She nibbled on his arm to wake him, using her lips to pull at the hairs.

“Hey, that tickles,” he sleepily mumbled. “You smell so good.”

“I think I reek of alcohol. Uggghhh, what did I drink last night.”

He unfolded his arms from around her and sat up.

“You drank too much and too many drinks.”

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