Page 96 of Blood Sport

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“You don’t have to do this,” Ethan says, his eyes never leaving mine. “We’re good, I promise. We don’t hurt humans.”

“That doesn’t matter,” the stranger spits, their distorted voice filled with hate—for us. “Your kind shouldn’t exist in this world. You bring nothing but pain and suffering to the innocent people you choose to hurt.”

“We don’t hurt anyone,” I repeat Ethan’s words. The person is still pointing the gun at Ethan, but I can feel their cold, dark eyes on me. They almost feel… soulless. “We were born humans before we transitioned. We still have our humanity and care for humans, not wanting to bring them any harm.”

My eyes meet Ethan’s and I try to communicate our next course of action to him through my eyes. He nods, understanding my silent words. We have known each other long enough to be able to communicate through our eyes. And thankfully, it’s going to come in clutch with this situation.

The thought of dying had never occurred to me until this moment, staring into the void-like eyes across from me in the dead of night with nothing but the moonlight to illuminate part of their mask. It’s a menacing sight, to say the least.

Is this what those vampires had to see before they met their fate?

I’m sure as hell not going to go down without a fight, so this person better be fucking ready.

“All your kind does is harm humans!” the masked person shouts, jabbing the barrel of the gun harder into Ethan’s skull. “That is why I’m here to put an end to you, so you can no longer hurt another person. You will meet the same fate as all the others, and there is nothing you can—”

“Now!” I shout, rushing forward at the same time Ethan throws his head back, slamming the gun into the face of the masked person.

They cry out as Ethan spins on his heels and the two of us tackle the stranger to the ground, our super speed and strength working in our favor to subdue them. The person thrashes in our grip with me holding down one arm while Ethan holds the other, our supply tossed to the side, forgotten about.

The masked person tries to use their legs to kick at us from behind, but it does nothing to help them get out of our grip. I turn to look at the gun lying beside us and reach for it, bringing the barrel up to rest on their forehead. They instantly stop moving as their dark eyes find mine, their breathing hard.

“If you don’t want your neck snapped in half and left for dead, you’ll answer my question,” I warn, pressing the gun harder against the mask.

The masked person stares at me for a heartbeat as if deciding whether to fight back or give in and do what I say if they want to live. I have every intention of destroying this motherfucker, but they don’t need to know that. All they need to know is I want my questions answered first.

When they don’t say anything, I continue. “How did you discover us?”

“It’s obvious when a hospital reports blood missing from their supply,” they answer but don’t supply any further details.

Okay, so it seems the hospital did know that blood was going missing, but why is the hunter only confronting us now after the operation has been going on for a couple of years? Unless our schedules never managed to sync up and tonight just happened to be when we both decided to be at the hospital.

I wonder how long they have been trying to track us down?

“Why didn’t you kill us right away?” I demand. “You had the opportunity.”

“I needed to see what I was dealing with first.”

I grind my teeth together and look at Ethan. He’s wearing a worried expression on his face as he looks between me and the masked person.

“What are we going to do?” he asks quietly.

I know what we need to do, but I want to get as much information from this fucker as I can about who they are and who they work for. I can’t just kill them before I know what I’m dealing with first. It would be easier to kill them and get this over and done with, but I need to tread carefully and play my cards right first.

“Give me a second,” I say to Ethan before turning my attention back to the masked person. Their eyes are still on me, unblinking as they stare up. “Who do you work for?” When they don’t answer, I press the gun against the mask harder, the splintering of material sounding in my ears. “Who the fuck do you work for!”

“You should probably keep your voice down—”

A flash of light moves across the masked person’s face. I snap my head to the side to see a security guard rushing toward us with their flashlight focused on us like a huge fucking spotlight.

“Hey! What is going on over here?”

Ethan grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me off the masked person, who is quick to get to their feet. They take one last look at me before they turn and sprint into the treeline, disappearing out of sight.


“Let’s go!” Ethan shouts as he scoops up the bag of blood and drags me in the opposite direction of the security guard, who is still chasing after us, telling us to stop running. “Jay, come on!”

With a grunt, I shove the masked person's gun into the waistband of my jeans and take off running after Ethan, releasing my super speed enough to get me out of harm's way and out of sight of the security guard. I follow Ethan into the treeline until we come to a stop behind a large tree, hidden in the cover of darkness.

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