Page 95 of Blood Sport

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“We’ll be fine,” I tell Ethan after a moment of silence. “If we continue to keep a low profile, then we should be fine, okay?”

He exhales sharply and nods. “Yeah, you’re right. How could this hunter possibly know about us unless we somehow reveal ourselves? It would be stupid of us to risk something like that.”

The hospital comes into view thanks to our quicker than normal pace. It’s been a few weeks since we were last here, so I hope they haven’t added more security guards around the perimeter to prevent break-ins. That would be a problem for us, but it’s nothing our compelling skills can’t handle. We’re no strangers to it.

“How’s your girl?” I ask as we walk into the forest behind the hospital. Ethan is always asking about my life, making me feel bad that I don’t ask enough about what’s going on with him.

He walks ahead of me as we form a single file through the thick brush. “She’s good. We’re going out for drinks after the game tomorrow night. She hasn’t told her friends about me yet since we wanted to keep it on the down low, but I think she’s ready to let me meet them.”

“That’s exciting,” I say and look to my left to survey the perimeter for security guards. We got lucky tonight because there is not a soul around. My ears pick up voices from inside the building, but thankfully, there is no one walking around outside.

“I really like her,” Ethan says and stops by a thick tree to glance over at the window to the supply room. “She’s the one, man. I just know it.”

I clap him on the back. “I’m happy for you.”

Ethan turns to smile at me. “The Jaylen Black is happy for me? Woah, my life is complete now.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh, shut up. We have a job to do, so get your head in the game.”

He salutes me. “Aye, aye, captain.”

We surveillance the area for a couple of minutes to make sure no security guards were going to pop up randomly and catch us in the act. Once we’re satisfied we’re alone, Ethan props the window up, pulls off the flyscreen, slides in through the open hole, and I follow. We’ve done this so many times I could do this with my eyes closed.

While I stand guard at the door, Ethan moves around the dark room and collects blood bags, putting them into the foldable bag he brought with him. Our eyes allow us to adjust to the dark room easily, almost as if we have night vision. It means we can stay hidden in the room without the need to flip the light switch on.

Checking my watch, I see we’ve been in here for three minutes, so we need to get a move on. I prefer to not be in here for longer than five minutes in case a nurse needs to stop by for whatever reason. It’s a risk I’m not willing to take, but thankfully, I haven’t heard anyone walk by the room since we arrived.

“Are you nearly done?” I ask and look across the room to where Ethan is raiding the fridge where the blood bags are stored.

“Almost,” he says, sliding two blood bags into the already-filled bag. “Okay, now we’re good.”

“Let’s get out of here.”

Standing by the open window, I keep watching the door while Ethan slips out. Once he tells me the coast is clear, I climb out the window and land on the ground with a small thud.

“Another successful raid,” Ethan cheers as I put in the flyscreen and close the window quietly behind me. “This is becoming almost too easy.”

I turn to face him. “I wouldn’t get comfortable with—”

My words are caught in my throat when my eyes meet the black ones standing behind Ethan, a gun drawn to the back of his head. Ethan’s eyes are filled with panic, sensing the stranger behind him. His body is rigid as he stares straight ahead at me, his eyes screaming, ‘What the fuck do we do?


The person behind him is wearing a black mask with white cracks in it that cover their entire head with only holes cut out for their eyes. It looks sturdy, possibly made out of a tough material that is hard to break. They are dressed in black pants and a black long-sleeved shirt with leather gloves adorning their hands, not allowing me to get a sense of who they are. I can’t even smell their scent, almost as if it has been masked in some way.

Who the fuck is this person?

“Put your hands up,” the person demands, their voice distorted as if a special effect has been placed over it. The hesitation in their voice didn’t go unnoticed by me. “Now.”

“Okay,” I say, doing as they say. “What do you want?”

The person is dressed like a robber, but why would they be here to rob the hospital?

“You,” they say, and then point to Ethan. “Both of you. You’re an abomination to society.”

My stomach plummets to my toes as their words wash over me. Oh, fuck. Have we just encountered the hunter running around Pullman killing vampires? It would make sense as to why they are here cornering us after stealing blood bags. But how did they find out about us? We have been careful to mask our tracks and only take what we need.

How did they find us?

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