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It was on the tip of my tongue to snap back that if that was true, then he’d already know where she was. But I knew better than to smart off.

“She’s not here,” I repeated.

“Don’t lie to me, you stupid cunt.”

I held up my hands, as if that would keep him away. “She was here, but she left the next day. I don’t know where she went after that.”

That was technically true. I left out the part where I’d given her the means to get out of the city and that I had a phone number to reach her. We’d both agreed it was smarter for me not to know her whereabouts, just in case something like this happened.

Ralf’s lips twisted into a scowl as a too-familiar light came into his eyes. My stomach dropped and my brain raced, trying to find a way out. But I knew there wasn’t one. He was between me and the door, and he’d catch me if I tried to go around him. I had nothing within reach to use as a weapon. If I ran to either bedroom or the bathroom, he’d break down those doors.

I was totally fucked.

“You know something,” he said. “And I’m gonna enjoy getting it out of you.”

He closed the distance, his arm going back to get as much force into his blow as possible. I could only hope it’d be a slap, not a punch.

It never came because, suddenly, someone was between Ralf and me. A huge body I knew intimately. I had no idea how Fury had gotten from the door to the few feet separating Ralf and me, but I wasn’t going to question it. I was just glad he was here.

“Who the fuck are you?” Ralf tried to sound big, but I knew that tone too. It was how he sounded when he realized he wasn’t the biggest bully in the playground anymore.

“I’m the one who’s going to throw you out on your ass in about three seconds.” Fury’s hands curled into fists.

“Wait a minute. I know you. You’re the boyfriend.” Ralf sounded far too pleased, warning me that whatever came next would piss both Fury and me off even more. “You got some bigwig job, don’t you? Working with other people’s money. Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous.”

“Just go, Ralf.” I put my hand on Fury’s back, feeling the tension radiating off him as he fought for control of his temper.

“I will,” Ralf said. “As soon as your boy here writes me a nice fat check. And give me whatever cash he got in his wallet. I like the watch too.”

“Fuck off,” Fury growled.

“Don’t be like that,” Ralf said, almost enjoying himself. “It’s just a business transaction. You give me what I want, and I don’t tell people you’re fucking a whore.”

Fury went impossibly still.

“Sorry to burst your bubble,” Ralf continued, as if he didn’t realize he was poking a very angry bear. “She learned all those bedroom skills to impress the upper crust.”

“I know what you made her do,” Fury said quietly.

The calm in his voice was somehow scarier than his rage.

“Okay, but you’re not gonna want anyone else to know. I mean, who’s gonna want you handling their money with the same hands you handle someone who’s fucked half of Manhattan?”

“I don’t care what you tell people,” Fury said. “What I do care about is you harassing her. So you’re going to leave this apartment and stay away from Sienna.”

“And if I don’t?” Ralf asked. “If I decide she has information I want and I intend to get it one way or another?”

“Then I’m going to make your life a living hell,” Fury said evenly. “Because what you apparently didn’t figure out about me is that I have the means to destroy you. Make you disappear off the face of this earth, and we both know not a single person will miss your sorry ass.”

“You can’t?—”

“I can,” Fury interrupted. “And more importantly, I will. For this woman, I’ll do a hell of a lot. Now, get out before I have to make you.”

As I peeked around Fury, I saw the fear on Ralf’s face before he tried to cover it up with his usual bluster and swagger. Shooting me a glare, he slinked out, not turning his back on Fury until he was in the hall and on his way.

I was fairly certain that Fury’s threats were the hottest things a man had ever offered to do for me.


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