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I waited until Ralf disappeared before closing her door, locking it, and turning back to Sienna. Only a supreme effort on my part kept my hands from trembling as I reached for her, lightly touching her cheek.

“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

She shook her head, pressing her lips together, the silence heavy with unspoken fear.

“Was that Ralf? The guy who assaulted Lulu?” I asked, my voice rough with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me.

She nodded, swallowing hard as she struggled to pull herself back together. The terror I’d seen etched on her face hit me hard. She was strong, but for him to have shaken her so deeply revealed just how much power he’d once held over her.

“It’s okay,” I said, cupping the side of her face. “You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

I didn’t know if it was my touch or my words that sparked something within her, but suddenly, she seemed to snap free from whatever had a grip on her. Her wide eyes locked onto mine, and she practically threw herself at me, crashing her mouth against mine. I barely had time to brace myself before she pushed her tongue between my lips, a heady mix of desperation and urgency radiating from her.

I kissed her back, surrendering to the intoxicating bliss that enveloped me as I drowned in Sienna. Just as my grip on her tightened, she took a step back, leaving me momentarily disoriented. When she grabbed my hand and spun me around, confusion washed over me. With a gentle push to my chest, she sent me tumbling back onto the couch, and I stared up at her, utterly bewildered.

Until she sank to her knees in front of me.

If I hadn’t gotten it then, I would’ve figured it out when she reached for the button of my jeans. I wanted to protest, tell her she didn’t need to do that, but the moment I opened my mouth, she gave me a stern look that both shut me up and turned me on.

She tugged my pants and underwear down to my thighs, then made a pleased sound as she looked down at my cock, half-hard and getting harder. She wrapped her hand around the base and stroked from the bottom of the shaft to the tip. I groaned at friction that was just this side of painful, then sucked in a breath when she ran her tongue over the head.


“Shh.” She lightly blew on my wet skin and I shivered, my fingers curling into fists at my side. “No talking.”

“Why–” I started to ask, but the rest of my words came out in a garbled mess as she engulfed the top few inches in the wet heat of her mouth.

She bobbed her head up and down, moving a little lower each time until the head of my cock was part way down her throat and her lips were sealed around the base. My control was stretched to the point of snapping, my entire body humming with electricity. Every breath was ragged as it rasped in and out of my lungs, the sound mixing with the thumping of my heart and the rush of blood in my ears.

As the pressure built to a critical point, I reached for her head, trying to warn her I wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer.

Then, suddenly, the suction I’d been enjoying disappeared and cool air took its place. The change in temperature had my eyes flying open, my impending climax easing off as my brain struggled to keep up with what was happening.

Considering it took me a minute to process that she’d just stripped off her leggings and panties, I was fairly certain she’d scrambled my brains with the blow job. But then she was climbing onto the couch, straddling my thighs with a knee on either side. Putting her hands on my shoulders, she paused for a moment, looking down with a question written on her face.

I put my hands on her hips and let her read my answer in my eyes. Then, with our gazes locked, she lowered herself onto me, taking me inside her in one steady motion. We both sighed as she settled on my lap, rocking back and forth as our bodies adjusted to being joined.

No matter how many times we did this, I couldn’t get over how perfectly we fit, like we’d been made as two parts of the same whole. I ran my hand up her spine, holding the back of her neck as she began to ride me. Sensing her desire to keep control, I let her set the pace, focusing only on helping, touching her, soaking in the sight of her.

I’d already been so close that it took little to race back toward the tipping point. Needing her to be there with me, I leaned forward and caught one of her tight nipples in my mouth. I worked over the sensitive skin with my teeth and then sucked on it with harsh pulls until she started writhing, the sexiest mewling sounds falling from her lips.

“Fury,” she whimpered my name as she reached up to bury her hand in my hair, holding me closer to her breast. “Close.”

I released her nipple only long enough to say two words, “Me too.”

As I went back to lavishing attention on the now-swollen bud, her pussy started tightening around my cock, shooting jolts of exquisite pleasure across my nerves. Then, between one breath and the next, I came. Her breast muffled my shout and my teeth clamped down harder than I’d intended, but it must’ve been what she’d needed because then she was coming too, calling out my name even as her fingers twisted in my hair.

She slumped into my arms, her body quivering as I wrapped my arms more tightly around her, both of us slowly coming down from our highs, waiting for our breathing and pulses to return to normal. My cock softened inside her and when she finally shifted to get her legs in a more comfortable position, I slipped out. I half-expected her to climb off, but she didn’t. Instead, she sat on my lap and rested her head on my shoulder.

My fingers traced patterns up and down her arm as we sat in comfortable silence for a while. Finally, I broke it, unable to resist the urge to ask a question.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what prompted that?” I brushed some hair back from her face. “I mean, I thought you’d be pissed at me doing my ‘savior’ thing.”

I felt her smile more than I saw it, and a bit of the tension that had built up within me as the question arose dissipated.

“You didn’t even flinch,” she said, her fingers dancing across my chest. “Ralf threatened to tell people that you’re sleeping with a former prostitute, and you didn’t care. You didn’t sugarcoat it with the whole ‘that’s not who she is anymore’ crap that most people would say. I mean, it’s true, but sometimes it sounds like I wouldn’t have been worth your attention back then.”

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