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A few giggles rippled through the group, and I felt the tension ease a bit. Good. I needed them focused, not terrified.

“Now, I want to see this routine one more time, start to finish, no mistakes. After that, we’ll take a water break. Got it?”

A chorus of “Yes, Sienna” echoed back at me. I nodded to Darcy, our sound tech, and she cued up the music.

As the first beats pulsed through the speakers, I watched the girls snap into formation. Dana’s movements were still a bit sluggish, but at least she was hitting her marks. Venus moved like liquid sex, as always, drawing the eye even in rehearsal clothes.

Just as they were hitting their stride, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I ignored it, eyes glued to the dancers. It buzzed again, more insistently this time. With a growl of frustration, I pulled it out, ready to silence it.

Gavin’s name flashed on the screen.

“Shit,” I muttered. I don’t ignore a call from the boss. “Keep going!” I shouted to the girls as I answered the phone. “Gavin, what’s up?”

“Sienna, darling,” Gavin’s smooth voice flowed through the speaker. “I need a favor.”

I felt my eyebrow arch involuntarily. Gavin Manning didn’t ask for favors. He gave orders and expected them to be followed. “What kind of favor?”

“I need you to pick someone up from JFK. A friend. Name’s Fury Gracen.”

I blinked, momentarily thrown. “I’m sorry, you want me to do what? Gavin, I’m in the middle of rehearsal. We’ve got the new routine debuting tomorrow night, and?—”

“I’m aware,” Gavin cut me off, his tone brooking no argument. “But this is important. Fury’s flight lands in two hours. I need you to pick him up, take him to the club, make him feel welcome. Consider it part of your job description for the day.”

I bit back a sigh. “Fine. But who’s Fury Gracen, and why is he so important?”

Gavin chuckled, a sound that always sent a shiver down my spine. “He’s our new money manager, darling. Treat him well.”

The line went dead before I could respond. I stared at my phone for a moment, trying to process what just happened. Since when did we need a money manager?

A crash from the stage snapped me back to reality. I looked up to see Dana sprawled on the floor, Venus helping her up with a concerned look.

“Alright, that’s it!” I barked, striding back to the stage. “Water break, five minutes. Then we’re running this thing until it’s perfect or we all drop dead. Understood?”

The girls scattered, grateful for the reprieve. I pulled Dana aside, lowering my voice. “You okay?”

She nodded, looking miserable. “I’m so sorry, Sienna. I swear, I’ll get it together.”

I squeezed her shoulder. “I know you will. Look, take ten minutes, call home, check on Lily. But when you come back, I need you one hundred percent here, got it?”

Relief washed over her face. “Thank you,” she whispered before darting off to make her call.

I watched her go, then turned to survey the rest of the dancers. They were all chugging water and stretching, stealing glances at me like I might explode at any moment.

“Listen up, ladies,” I called out, drawing their attention. “Change of plans. We’ve got exactly one hour to nail this routine before I have to leave on a... special assignment.” I ignored their curious looks. “That means no more screw-ups, no more distractions. We’re going to run this thing until it’s perfect, even if that means you’re all puking in the wings tomorrow night. Clear?”

A chorus of determined “Yes, Sienna” echoed back at me. I nodded, satisfied. They might hate me right now, but they’d thank me when the crowd was screaming for more tomorrow night.

“Alright, ladies!” I shouted as the dancers took their positions. “From the top. And this time, make me believe you actually want to be here!”

An hour later, I sighed as I stepped into the dressing room, kicking off my heels and savoring the cool floor against my aching feet. The rehearsal had been a nightmare, but we'd finally nailed the routine. Now, a whole new headache was waiting for me.

“Fury Gracen,” I muttered, testing the name on my tongue as I made my way to my private closet. “What kind of name is that anyway?”

As I stripped off my dance clothes, my mind wandered back to how I’d ended up here. From struggling dancer to talent coordinator at one of New York’s most exclusive clubs. It was a hell of a journey, and I owed it all to Gavin Manning.

I remembered the night he’d saved me from a handsy client, offering me a job on the spot. “You’ve got fire, darling,” he’d said, those piercing eyes seeing right through me. “I could use someone like you.”

And used me he had. But not in a lewd way. Gavin had been a mentor, a challenge, a force that pushed me beyond my limits. He'd molded me into the woman I was today - a woman who could handle entitled rich boys and temperamental dancers with equal ease. A woman who commanded respect, not just admiration.

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