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“I should get back inside,” I muttered. “Thanks for coming, Nat. Take care of yourself.”

I fled back into the noise and heat of the ballroom, my head spinning when Cory appeared at my elbow. “There you are! Come on, man. It’s time to cut the cake.”

I let him lead me towards a monstrosity of sugar and fondant, shaped like the New York skyline. It was ridiculous and over-the-top and so perfectly Cory.

“You’re insane,” I told him as he handed me a knife.

He grinned. “You love it.”

And damn it, I did. Despite everything, despite the fear and doubt gnawing at my gut, I loved this crazy bastard and the life we’d built together.

As I raised the knife to cut into Lady Liberty’s head, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I fished it out, frowning at the unknown number.

“Fury Gracen,” a smooth voice purred when I answered. “Gavin Manning here. Hope I’m not interrupting anything important.”

I blinked, surprised. I’d heard of Gavin Manning, of course. The infamous owner of Club Privé. Who hadn’t? The man was a legend in certain circles. We even crossed paths once years ago.

“Mr. Manning,” I said, stepping away from the cake and the confused looks from Cory and Rylee. “No, not interrupting at all. What can I do for you?”

“Gavin, please,” he chuckled. “I hear you’re setting up shop in my city, Fury. I have a business proposition for you.”

My heart rate kicked up a notch. “I’m listening.”

“Not over the phone,” Gavin said. “But I’ll have a car waiting for you at JFK. The driver will bring you straight to me. What do you say? Interested in hearing me out?”

I hesitated for a split second, then grinned. “Mr. Manning - Gavin. You’ve got yourself a deal.”

As I hung up, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. This, right here, was why I was going to New York. For opportunities like this. For the chance to prove myself on a whole new playing field.

I turned back to the party, to Cory and Rylee and the ridiculous cake and all these people who believed in me. And for the first time that night, my smile was genuine.

“Alright, folks,” I announced, brandishing the knife. “Who wants a piece of the Big Apple?”

Laughter and cheers erupted around me, a familiar symphony that I knew I'd soon leave behind. I plunged the knife into the cake, severing the ties to my past and embracing the unknown future that awaited me.

New York, here I come.



I gritted my teeth as Dana stumbled again, this time nearly crashing into Venus. "Jesus, Dana! Get it together before you break our star attraction!"

The music screeched to a halt, leaving us hanging in a thick silence. All I could hear was the dancers' ragged breathing. Great. I rubbed my temples, fighting the urge to scream. These girls were supposed to be the best of the best, but today they were moving like they'd been hitting the tequila since sunrise.

"I'm sorry, Sienna," Dana mumbled, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I'll do better, I promise."

Yeah, you better. I sighed, my irritation battling with a flicker of sympathy. Dana was our oldest dancer, pushing thirty, and usually one of our most reliable. But today? She looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here.

I pulled her aside. “What’s going on with you?” I asked, softening my tone just a touch. “You’re a million miles away.”

Dana’s eyes welled up, and I braced myself for the waterworks. “It’s Lily,” she said, referring to her daughter. “She had a really rough night. The autism... sometimes it’s just...”

“Shit,” I muttered, feeling like an asshole. Of course, it was about her kid. I ran a hand through my hair, buying myself a moment to switch gears. “Look, I get it. Being a mom is tough. But when you’re here, you’ve got to be here, you know? We can’t afford any injuries, especially not to Venus.”

Venus piped up from the back. “It’s okay, Sienna. We’re all just a little off today.”

I shot her a look that said ‘not helping,’ but appreciated the attempt at smoothing things over. “Alright, ladies, listen up,” I said, clapping my hands to get everyone’s attention. “I know we’re all tired, I know we all have shit going on outside these walls. But in here? In here, we’re goddamn professionals. This routine needs to be perfect for tomorrow night’s debut, and right now, it’s looking about as coordinated as a drunk octopus trying to put on rollerskates.”

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