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“As most of you know, I'm heading to New York to oversee our expansion there. It's a big step, and if I'm being honest, it's a little terrifying. But I'm also excited. It's time for a new challenge, a new adventure.” I paused, my gaze sweeping across the familiar faces. “I'm leaving a piece of my heart here in California, but I know I'm leaving things in good hands.” I raised my glass. “To Gracen, McCrae & Palmer, to new beginnings, and to all of you. Cheers!”

The crowd echoed my toast, glasses clinking. I downed my champagne in one gulp, desperate to get off this stage and away from all these expectant faces.

As soon as I stepped down, I was mobbed. Handshakes, backslaps, tearful hugs from the secretaries. It was overwhelming, suffocating. I pasted on a smile and nodded along to their well-wishes, all the while searching for an escape route.

Finally, I spotted a gap in the crowd and made a beeline for the balcony. The cool night air hit me like a blessing, and I gulped it down greedily.

“Needed some air?” A familiar voice made me turn.

Natalie Bishop leaned against the railing, looking stunning in a slinky black dress. My breath caught in my throat.

“Nat,” I managed. “I didn’t know you were here.”

She shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. “Rylee invited me. Hope that’s okay.”

“Of course,” I nodded, moving to stand beside her. “It’s good to see you.”

We stood in silence for a moment, looking out over the twinkling lights of Palo Alto. It was a view I’d seen a thousand times, but tonight it felt different. Bittersweet.

“So,” Natalie said finally. “New York, huh? Big change.”

I chuckled humorlessly. “You could say that.”

She turned to face me, her hazel eyes searching mine. “Are you excited? Nervous?”

“Both,” I admitted. “Terrified, actually. But don’t tell anyone in there that.”

Natalie laughed softly. “Your secret’s safe with me, Fury Gracen.”

There was a warmth in her voice that made my chest ache. We’d had a brief thing last year, nothing serious. Just two lonely people finding comfort in each other. But standing here with her now, I wondered what might have been if I’d let myself fall.

I watched Natalie’s face in the moonlight, noticing a flicker of sadness in her eyes. It hit me then – she wasn’t just here as Rylee’s friend. She was here for me.

“Fury,” she said softly, her hand brushing against mine on the railing. “I know we said it was just casual, but...”

I tensed, knowing where this was headed. “Nat...”

She leaned in closer, her perfume enveloping me. “Maybe we were too quick to write it off. I’ve been thinking about you, about us.”

My heart raced, a mix of desire and panic. Part of me wanted to pull her close, to lose myself in her warmth one last time. But I knew better. I took a step back, putting some distance between us.

“Natalie, I can’t,” I said, my voice rougher than I intended. “I’m leaving for New York in two days. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us.”

She bit her lip, looking away. “Right. Of course. I just thought... never mind.”

The disappointment in her voice was like a punch to the gut. I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated with myself and the situation.

“Look, Nat, what we had was great. But it was what it was. I’m not in a place for anything more, especially now.”

She nodded, forcing a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I get it. Really, I do. I guess I just wanted to see if there was still something there before you left.”

I sighed, leaning back against the railing. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

“You didn’t,” she said quickly, then paused. “Well, maybe a little. But that’s on me, not you.”

We stood in awkward silence for a moment, the sounds of the party drifting out to us.

“Fury...” she started, but I was already backing away.

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