Page 49 of Bound

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I stepped out of arms reach from her, but she didn’t seem discouraged. “I thought you’d found someone else for your great new series, but then I overheard some other models saying that you haven’t had anyone come in for more than a month. I thought you were still hoping that those pictures you took with that assistant of yours would become something. Then I heard she was gone too.”

My hands curled into fists for a moment, but the flicker of anger that went through me burned out almost as quickly as it came.

“I’m not feeling particularly creative today,” I said quietly. “Please see yourself out.”

Her eyes widened, then narrowed. “There were rumors going around that you’d fallen for her. That assistant of yours. Was that the reason why you let her model for you?” Her beautiful face twisted into something ugly. “I guess I just got it backwards, right? You don’t sleep with your models. You just let the women you fuck become your models.”

“Leave, Giselle. Before you say something you regret.” I meant the threat, but there was no heat behind it.

She raised an eyebrow. “What, exactly, is that supposed to mean?”

I sighed and scratched at my beard. “It means that I’m not interested in you, Giselle. And I would hate to put the word out that you were behaving unprofessionally toward a photographer.”

She threw a couple choice words at me on her way out, but I didn’t acknowledge them. I didn’t really care what she thought of me. I didn’t need or want her approval. I was having a difficult time wanting anything actually.

Sure, I ate, drank. I went through the motions. But that’s all they were. Motions.

I scratched my cheek again, unsure of how much time had passed since Giselle had stormed out.

This beard itched like a motherfucker. I needed to shave.

I turned off the lights as I left, more out of habit than anything else. If I didn’t snap out of this soon, I was going to sell the studio and talk to my cousin Izett about what I could do within the company. If I couldn’t have what I wanted, I might as well make myself useful to the family.

I’d come back tomorrow and see if anything changed.

I wasn’t hopeful, but it was something to do.

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