Page 62 of Arranged Vacancy

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For what? The Presidency? No, absolutely not.

Chapter 38


Abigail and Laura still aren’t here, and I’m growing impatient by the minute. There are far too many variables, and the longer I’m away from Jaclyn, there is more of a chance that Finn or Mickey could get to her. The only reason I’m attending this ridiculous gala is to keep tabs on everything and protect her from two of the most dangerous men I’ve ever met.

And to torture myself seeing my wife with my brother. The masochism is strong tonight.

I stow my phone in my breast pocket, button my jacket, and head for the door. After double checking I have both hotel keys, I step out and take the elevator down to the gala. It should be starting in about an hour, but I may be able to sneak in early and watch Jaclyn in action as she puts on the finishing touches for the event.

As I steal a glass of champagne from an unmanned tray, I find Jaclyn talking to a woman with a clipboard and headset. I can’t tear my eyes away; my wife is a fucking vision. Sipping the cool bubbly, I smirk against the glass when our eyes meet. For years, I’ve admired her from afar, and I don’t intend to stop now, especially now that she’s mine.

Jaclyn excuses herself and makes her way over, hips swaying with each step. When she reaches me, she takes my glass and tosses back the crisp champagne in a single gulp. “Easy, princess. There’s more where that came from.” The faded marks on her neck are covered with additional makeup, but still visible. Part of me knows Chris attempted to claim part of her for himself, hoping I’d see it. He may have even thought it would be enough to keep me away, but Jaclyn’s mine. I won’t give her up over a damn hickey.

“Do you have a minute?” Her voice is void of her usual levity; I nod without hesitation. “Come with me.”

She leads us into a small conference room next to the ballroom, and I take out my phone to check for mics. With no visible cameras, if it weren’t for the floor-to-ceiling windows spanning the wall, I’d lay her down right here on this table and take back what’s mine.

Arms folded, I rest against the oak table while she shuts the door and pushes a button that drops the blinds of the windows surrounding us. It’s pitch black for a brief moment before she turns the lights on and turns to face me. “I’m only going to ask this once, and you need to be honest with me: Are you working with the Gallaghers?”

“Yes,” I sigh, “but it’s not what it looks like.”

“I think it’sexactlywhat it looks like.” She crosses her arms to mirror me, lifting her pert breasts an inch higher. I force my gaze to meet hers, finding her eyes boring into me. “I can’t believe you’re involved with them! They are basically”—she lowers her voice—“mafia.”

“I believe the politically correct term is ‘organized crime,’” I tease.

“This isn’t funny, Alex! Why did Finn Gallagher imply that I should run for office?”

My breath catches, and my arms fall to my sides, itching to pull her to me. Gripping the edge of the table is a safe bet; the temptation to touch her is too much. I have to remind myself there are more pressing matters. “You talked to him? Why were you talking with a Gallagher? Did he threaten you?”

“No. No one threatened me. I ran into Finn when I was leaving your suite. Is he the reason you keep saying I’ll be President one day? Was”—her voice shakes before she sucks in a breath—“any of it true? Or was all of it their idea?” I push off the table, reaching for her, but she shrugs away. “Don’t touch me.”

“Jaclyn,” I plead. The simmering war she is fighting in her mind is visible in her deep ocean eyes. I would throw everything away if it meant she didn’t have to feel an ounce of this. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything. But I’veneverlied to you.Ever.” As I cautiously take her hand, thankfully, she lets me, and I gently swipe mythumb over hers. “I believe in you with my whole heart; you’re the best choice for our country. None of this was supposed to happen the way it has. From what I was privy to, Chris was supposed to get caught with his aide before the wedding, giving you the pity of the nation. When he got in the accident and killed her, that plan went out the window.”

Her brows pinch. “I’m not following. Why do you and the Gallaghers wantmein office?”

“You,my extraordinary wife…” I bring her knuckles to my lips, dusting them with a gentle kiss, my eyes never leaving hers. “You are the bridge. It has nothing to do with the Gallaghers. The country has been in the hands of old-as-fuck men for far too long. We need a familiar name that will appeal to one side of the aisle, but the other will also vote for you if you campaign as a moderate. We need to fix this country, Jaclyn.” I chew on my lip for a brief moment. I hope with all my being that she knows this is real… It always has been. “I won’t apologize for that.”

Jaclyn blows out a long breath, and I allow her the time to work through everything without interrupting. “Why didn’t you let Chris get caught for the accident? Wouldn’t that have solved everything?”

“I should’ve.” Cupping the back of her neck, I kiss her forehead. “I wish I had done a lot of things differently.” With a deep sigh, she wraps her arms around my middle, and I envelop her with mine, loving the feel of her warm, bare skin of her back against my palms. I should thankthe designer of her gown for the lack of fabric. “If he was caught, the attention would be on vehicular manslaughter, not on you. I went against the Gallaghers when I stood up with you at the altar. I’m selfish, Jaclyn. Marrying you meant I had a reason to be close to you.”

“You’re so full of it,” she chuckles softly, but I still feel it everywhere. My heart aches for this, for her. I need the lightness we had for those few days more than the air in my lungs, void of this nightmare we’re currently living. “I thought you said you wouldn’t lie to me?”

“I promise, I’ve never lied. Falling in love with you wasn’t part of the plan, either. It just happened. So, even if it rips my soul in half, if you want to stay with him, I’ll respect your wishes…” I shake my head, pain and disgust washing over me. “No. I’m sorry. I can’t do it.Fuck,please don’t ask me to… What if I can figure out a way for us to be together, would you consider it?”

I have no plan, but I’ll fucking come up with one if there’s a chance I get to keep her.

Jaclyn rests her chin on my chest, looking up at me. “As long as it doesn’t include that hot Irishman or his brother… Even then, how would that even be possible? I can’t risk it. My hands are dirty enough. I don’t want to make it worse.”

“Wait… did you just call Finn ‘hot?’ I don’t blame you, he’s an attractive man, but you should’ve figured out by now that I don’t share.” She laughs, shaking her head, and I can’t help asking, “In all seriousness, what do you mean your hands are dirty? You won’t get caught for marrying me instead of Chris. If you do, you can feign ignorance. I’ll take the fall if it gets out; tell them I tricked you.” Stepping out of my arms, she starts and stops a few times, only getting out a syllable at a time. I cock an eyebrow. “What are you hiding, princess?”

After taking a long, deep breath, she finally admits, “I knew about Chris cheating because of one of the housekeepers at one of the hotels he stayed at. I paid them off so they wouldn’t talk. If it leaks that I bribed them…”

“That’s your biggest worry?” I laugh and open my arms wide. “Come here, my adorable, little wife.”

“No.” About to step into my arms, Jaclyn shakes her head, retreating as her words tumble out of her. “This was a mistake. We shouldn’t be in here. If we get caught… This, you and me, it’s impossible. There’s no way out of my marriage to Chris without it getting out that you stepped in for him. It’ll burn both of us.”

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