Page 63 of Arranged Vacancy

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“The marriage license, did you file it?” I remind her. She chews on her lip, lowering her head; the answer I’ve been hoping for. “Then, as far as I’m concerned, you’re married tome,not him.”

“As sweet as that sentiment is, what are we supposed to do?” As she lifts her gaze, any joy that was there previously is absent from her glassy eyes. “You’re working with the Gallaghers, and from the sounds of it, so are both of our parents… And I’m supposed to be married to your brother.”

“I love you, Jaclyn. I’m not giving up on this, on us. Stay with me, fight for this. I know you feel the same way.”

“What do you want me to say? That I’m falling in love with you?” Her voice raises, arms wide. “It doesn’t matter that I have feelings for you. We can’t do this!”

“Shh. We have to keep our voices down. You never know who may be listening in.” I take a step forward, but she moves back.

“You think?” she whisper-shouts, then returns to normal volume with a huff. “On top of everything else, myfavoritewedding coordinator heard a little too much and blackmailed her way onto Chris’ staff. Or at least that’s what I took from my interaction with her earlier.”

“What the hell?” I can’t help my humorless laugh.

“We don’t have time to get into it,” she sighs. “I’m more worried about the Gallaghers. I think they wanted Chris dead, or at least wanted him to have a heart attack. I can’t wrap my brain around why.”

It’s as if I’ve been slapped in the face, and I’m still reeling from it. I know there are more details to all of this than either of us is aware of, and the Gallaghers hold all the cards.

“They didn’t want him dead,” I admit. “They needed him to get caught with Cara.”

Jaclyn’s shoulders fall. “I don’t think it’s that simple. Finn said something about Cara getting a dosage wrong. Chris was always terrible about taking his medication, but I sawthe toxicology report. He took so much more than what he was supposed to. That’s not an accidental second dose. It could’ve killed him.”

Did they try to kill him? Sure, they hinted that he was a problem, but to go through with it…

“You’re right. That doesn’t sound like an accident. If you want, we can go on a fact-finding mission after the gala.”

Taking another step away from me, she swallows hard. “They’re dangerous.”

“I know. For now, the best course of action is to pretend everything is normal. You’re going to go out there and ensure the gala goes as planned.” I take a small, slow step closer. “You’re going to auction me and a dozen other bachelors off for the damn cherry blossoms.” Another short step. “As much as it’ll kill me, when it’s all over, you’ll go home to Chris, not letting him knowanythingwe discussed tonight.” Closing the distance, her chest is nearly pressed to mine. “And tomorrow morning, you’ll tell him you need to run an errand and come to my suite.”

Jaclyn’s breath hitches as I reach behind her. Unzipping her dress, I slide my hand inside until I’m gripping her bare ass, pulling her flush with me. She whimpers a soft moan and doesn’t stop me as I continue, “And after I have you screaming my name with my cock buried deep inside you, we’ll make a plan for how to walk away from the Gallaghers, keep my place in the Senate, and give you a seat at the table.” Brushing the right of my nose with hers, I whisper a breath away from her lips, “But he doesnottouch you again. He may be your husband to the rest of the world, but you’remywife, Jaclyn. If you let him, there will be consequences.”

“Wh-what kind of consequences?”

I squeeze her ass firmer, and I’m unable to hide my grin. “You’ll be my good fucking girl and do as I asked, or I’ll mark every last inch of you until you look like a damn cheetah. There will be no denying that you’re mine. I don’t give a fuck who sees the bright red and purple bruises I leave behind with my mouth.”

There’s a faint knocking at the door, and I pull my hand from her dress, quickly zipping it. “Mrs. Blake? Are you in there?”

“It’s my assistant,” Jaclyn whispers, then raises her voice. “Yes, I’ll be there in a moment, Rose. I’m briefing someone on tonight’s events.”

“Okay, great. I’ll just… wait here?”

Jaclyn’s shoulders sag as she steps out of my hold, glancing down and swiping at her dress. “You’re beautiful,” I assure her.

With a small smile that meets her eyes, she calls to the woman, “No need, I’ll be in the ballroom momentarily.” There’s the faint sound of retreating footsteps, and when it’s silent again, she asks, “What is this?” She gestures between us.

“We both know you’re mine, but what do you want, princess?” I counter with a smirk I can’t contain.

She chews on her lip and lets out a long breath. All of it makes me feel uneasy as anguish overcomes her features. “I’m sorry. Even if it breaks my heart—or yours—I have to try to make things work with Chris.”

“You can’t have both of us.” I resist the urge to unzip her dress again and show her with my face between her legs why it’s supposed to be me, not my brother. “But no matter what, I’ll always beyours, Jaclyn.”

Pain continuing to etch her face, she whines, “Why are you making this so hard?”

“Because you’re worth fighting for.” There’s no use hiding how I feel. It goes beyond pretending to be married to her, I want Jaclyn for myself. She’smywife.


No, scratch that.

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