Page 111 of Candy & Her Saints

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Thomas came back to Saint Cage so late last night that I was already in bed.

Thomas is being worked to death by his dad.

How many hours of sleep can you survive on long term? Thomas is getting four hours at most.

Thomas’ opulent bedroom is only lit by a single low crystal lamp that’s balanced on the teak chest of drawers.

Thomas collapsed onto the bed with a groan only a few hours ago. He didn’t even change out of his suit.

He has less than half an hour now, before he’ll need to leave for work again.

Death by paperwork. What a way to go.

Thomas hesitates. “Do I? What gave it away? Right now, my feelings don’t matter. It won’t change anything. So what does it matter that I’ve loved him for a long time?”

I rub my cheek against the silk pillow, while my eyes prickle with tears that Ghost is sleeping underneath the mansion without a pillow. “We’re scent matches. It hit me hard, just like it did with you. We’re Omega soul mates. He’s not like anyone I’ve met before.”

Lincoln throws his strong arm over my middle. “We both love quirky, right? Feral is our catnip. With those sweet, blue eyes, he looks innocent, but I think that he’s a secret psycho.” Lincoln says psycho like it’s the highest compliment. “Little gambler is one of us. He’s pack. But he flinches from me.”

Sadness and hurt wash through the bond.

I grip Lincoln’s chin. “He’s been conditioned to fear Betas. His body associates you with pain, even if he knows in his mind that you’re not the same. He’s already learning that you’re different. Just be yourself. He’ll see the truth. Then he’ll love you as much as I do.”

Thomas is lying stiffly next to me.

What’s wrong?

Confused and worried, I turn, licking his neck.

Thomas glances down at me; his expression becomes weary. “What Dad is doing to Ghost is fucked up. I begged to be allowed to bond with him. Then I begged for him to be allowed to serve the pack in some other way, rather than being held as a prisoner. And I am not one who begs normally. Dad refused again. He’s making an example out of Ghost, but it’s more than that. He doesn’t allow any of us to be anything but perfect. It’s why he selected an asshole elite like Richard to be his Second Alpha. It’s not like he loves the bully. Richard was eager to bond with Dad because of his political ambition and the power that he’d then hold over me. What do you bet that he’s regretting all his life choices now he knows what Dad’s truly like? But Dad can’t see that Ghost is perfect just as he is.”

My ugly Rej bracelet suddenly feels heavier than normal.

I jangle my bracelet. “Am I?”

Thomas kisses the top of my head. “Sweet venom, you’re more than perfect. You’re everything.”

I glow, and my shoulders relax.

I bite my lip. “It’s destroying Ghost to be shut up down there alone. If he can’t be released, then I’m going to spend my days with Sugar and him. One Omega shouldn’t have freedom, while another doesn’t.”

Lincoln punches the air. “Omega solidarity!”


Thomas looks conflicted but he nods. “It’s your choice. Fuck, I love you.”

“Can we all love Ghost as well?” I ask in a quiet voice.


Anxious, I watch, while Thomas edges away from me on the bed.

I suddenly feel cold without his warmth next to me.

How cold is Ghost alone in the freezing basement?

I hope that Sugar is at least sleeping on him with her tail wrapped around him, warming him with her fur.

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