Page 110 of Candy & Her Saints

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For the first time, Ghost’s expression closes off.

He types, “You don’t want to be my soul mate now. It’s okay. I understand. No one wants to be my friend. You don’t have to visit me down here. It’s too cold for you anyway.”

“I am your soul mate, and it makes me fucking wild with joy,” I rush to reassure Ghost because I know what it’s like to feel rejected based on who raised you. I’ve been treated like trash simply for being a Snake all my life. “I’m going to spend as much time down here with you as I can. You’ll get bored of me. How about we make a deal? We’ll play cards, as long as you let me win at least once a day.”

Ghost’s shoulders relax, but he still shakes his head. “You belong in the sun.”

“So do you.”

He wrinkles his nose, pointing at his hair and skin, as if to say that he’s far too fair to be in the sun without burning.

I chuckle. “Omega vampire.”

Ghost’s eyes take on a dangerous gleam, before he places down his phone and dives for my neck.

I howl with pretend outrage, giggling as he pretends to bite me. We roll about on the hard earth, breathing hard.

His strong body, despite everything that he’s suffered through, pins me down far more easily than I’m expecting.

Then he’s straddling me, and I find myself nose to nose with him.

Ghost’s white chocolate truffle scent washes over me, making my toes curl with delight.

When Ghost’s sky blue eyes meet mine, my stomach flips.

He gives me a long, questioning look.

He’s trembling, pale but courageous in his determination.

My heart is beating fast. My breathing is shallow.

I reach to stroke my fingers through Ghost’s hair, and like he can’t stop himself, his eyes flutter closed at my gentle touch just for a moment.

When they open again, his gaze is even more intense, darting down to my lips.

He looks wrecked, broken, and hopeful at the same time.

“You can kiss me,” I murmur.

He licks across his own full lips, as if he’s testing out that this is real.

Then Ghost is kissing me, and I’m lost in the sweetness of his taste and the salt of his unexpected tears.


Saint Cage, Haven

“You love Ghost.” It’s the early hours of Tuesday morning, and I’m lying in my soft bed between Lincoln and Thomas.

I’m hot and I’ve kicked off most of the pile of shimmering cushions and blankets. Only a single sheet is bunched around my middle.

I’m naked, and so is Lincoln. I love the feel of his skin rubbing against mine.

The peacock stuffie sits on the end of the bed. I turned it to face away from me because I felt like it was staring at me.

The bed smells of my fated mates’ scents mingled with mine.

It smells of home.

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