Page 46 of Taming Her Cowboys

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“She didn’t seem to regret it, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Good. “Do you?”

Clint pauses. “What?”

“Do you regret it?”

“I didn’t do shit.”

I sigh. “Clint…”

He brushes me off. “I’m making some fucking coffee. Horses going out today, trailer will be here at nine.”

“Don’t make us lose her because you can’t get your shit together,” I say as he passes.

Clint freezes, then turns. “What?”

I look down. “Look, I know it’s not ideal but… Nora’s…”

I don’t know how to explain what I’m feeling. She’s special? She’s different? Both of those feel true, but they also feel like they’re too limited to describe it. Instead, I change tactics. “She figured out about the money.”

Clint tilts his head.

“Last night, when we were talking. She knows horses, man. When I said that my parents raised racehorses and reining horses, it was the reining horses that got the reaction. She knows how much money is in that.”


“And she didn’t look at me like… they do,” I murmur. I know what it looks like when a woman figures out that you have money. It’s not something I relish. Their face goes from genuine interest to a sort of sharp, hungry look.

Nora never looked at me like that last night. Not, at least, until she was begging me for my cock.

I shuffle, trying to keep myself from getting aroused yet again. Clint’s studying me, and he gives me a sharp nod. “There’s still time.”


“Look, she’s great. Whatever happened last night, I’m saying I’d do it again. But she’s not perfect, Shane. She’s going to figure out that we are the answer to all her problems, and then she’s going to figure out how to make that work for her.”

My chest feels tight. “You don’t know that.”

“I don’t?” He turns. “Why don’t you tell her exactly how rich you are? And then see if she’s still interested when we’re the ones leasing land from her. Tell her how you fucked a bank loan officer to get information on the loan for the ranch and see if she’s still going to be begging you for your cock, then. This isn’t something that can go on forever. Their ranch is going to fail. We’re going to swoop in to take it over. And Nora is going to hate us after that,” Clint says.

The bitterness in his voice hits me. “Clint. That’s not fair.”

“No? Tell me then that she’s different, Shane. God damn it,” he swears, turning as he kicks at the ground. “Haven’t you been through this enough to know that this isn’t some fucking love story? Haven’t you been used enough?”

His words hit me hard in the chest. “Fuck you, man. I know what I want, and Nora’s not like the other women I’ve been around.”

“You just say that because you don’t know her, man. She’d fuck you over just as quick as the rest of ‘em, and you know it,” Clint barks.

I bristle. “You really think that about her, don’t you?”


“But you’re willing to save her ass in a bar fight? Drive her home early, so her daddy doesn’t know we fucked her last night?”

His eyes glitter before they shutter slightly. “I didn’t say that I was going to treat her like shit, man. I have a fucking conscience.”

“You’re such a liar,” I snap. “You don’t get to sit there and criticize me, while you’re falling over yourself to impress her, too.”

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