Page 45 of Taming Her Cowboys

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“This was fun. But next time, Nora, we’re going to do more than have just fun. This isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Next time, we’re all going to fuck you.”

I hear all of them rumble in agreement, and my blood heats again.

“Next time,” I whisper.

Landon grins at me, standing up and helping Shane, who has returned from disposing of the condom, to put me under the sheets. “Oh, yeah, baby. There’s no way that one taste of you is enough for me.”

“There will be a next time,” Shane whispers softly, pressing his lips against my head.

Next time.

Exhausted, wiped from my orgasms, and so satiated that my limbs feel heavy, I don’t have anything left to protest. Landon and Shane were… amazing.

My heart aches for Clint, though. Did he want to watch? Did he not want to watch? I’m not sure, but I want him to know that it’s not just Landon and Shane I want.

I want all of them. All three.

Next time echoes in my mind.

Next time sounds like a pretty good deal. Especially if it’s going to be even better than this.



I’ve never been so hard in my life. Even after taking a long, cold shower, in which I get myself off to the memory of Nora wrapped around me again, I’m still fucking hard.

Clint opts to sleep on the couch. Landon, I assume, retreats to his bedroom. I move up to my lair, where I don’t sleep.

I just lie there. Thinking about her.

When she said that she wanted all of us earlier, I thought for sure that I was going to explode. For Nora to say that, and to mean it…

We’ve shared women before. At least Landon and I have. Clint is a whole different deal. If I’m on my own, I like to have a little more… control when it comes to sex. But if I’m sharing, I’m a little more generous.

Clint has never participated with Landon and me. I’m not even sure he’s had sex since we left Nevada, if I’m being entirely honest. I haven’t asked.

But, as I lay there, rolling around, a thought crosses my mind. Will Nora feel like Clint is rejecting her if he doesn’t play with all of us as well?

The thought troubles me. I don’t want Nora to feel rejected. Especially not after she mentioned some bullshit about an ex cheating on her.

Part of me wants to pound the guy into a thousand pieces. Another part, though, is grateful that he fumbled a woman as great as Nora. Because if he hadn’t, then we wouldn’t be in this position.

By the time the sun is beginning to turn the dark of night into a soft gray, I feel zero percent rested, but I have enough energy to run a fucking marathon.

I’m not even the first one downstairs, though. Clint is walking in the front door, and I give him a look. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Caught Nora trying to sneak back. She said she would walk to the ranch,” he says, making it obvious that in no way, shape, or form was Clint going to let that happen.

“You drove her back?”

“I did.”

I nod my approval. “How did she seem?”

He shrugs. “She seems… fine.”

Trust Clint to come up with the most reductive way to describe it. “What does fine mean, Clint?”

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