Page 40 of Taming Her Cowboys

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Landon shrugs. “No deal. We kind of grew up together.”

“Kind of?”

“Clint’s dad ran my parents’ horse program,” Shane says, coming back down the stairs. He fills four glasses with a smooth, almost luminous brown liquid. Taking a sip, my eyes nearly roll back in my head.

“Okay, that is good,” I admit.

“I like the finer things in life.” He smiles.

I take another sip, letting the whisky roll down my throat. “What kind of program?”

“My parents bred racehorses and reining horses.”

I let out a low whistle. “Any that I’d know?”

“We had a Derby entry ten years ago, but the reining horses made up the bulk of the business.”

Shane’s looking at me like he’s trying to assess my reaction. Someone who dabbled in racehorses is either dead broke or rich as Croesus, and I think I know which camp he falls into.

“Do your parents still raise horses?”

Shane’s eyes darken. “They died,” he says shortly. “Car accident. Drunk driver.”

“Oh, Shane,” I whisper. “I’m so sorry.”

He looks away, and Clint grunts. “They raised all of us.”

“Okay. So. Clint, you were there a lot because your dad did the horses.”

“And Landon…” Shane looks at Landon.

He smiles, but for once, it looks sad. “My parents went through a nasty divorce. When it was all said and done, I had no home. They both just… left.”

Meaning they left him behind. “Shit. Landon…”

“After that, we couldn’t get rid of him,” Clint says gruffly.

“And you like that, you salty son of a bitch,” Landon chirps.

The comment seems to take some of the tension out of the room, and I smile. “Well, however you found each other, it seems to be working out for you now.”

They exchange a look, and Landon nods. “If you call being stuck with these two losers working out, then yeah.”

It’s teasing, but I can tell there’s affection there.

I take a hearty sip of my whisky. “So, how does this work? Y’all are just roommates?”

“Yes,” Landon says quickly.

“You share a house, you share work…” Shoot, this is the part I’m nervous about.

Of course it’s Shane who picks up what I’m trying to say. “You’re asking if we’ve ever shared a woman?” he rumbles. His voice is almost as low as Landon’s, and it makes my heart beat about fifty times faster.

“Is that what you want to know, Hellcat?” Landon says, his voice just as gravely.

“Yeah,” I whisper.

The three of them exchange a look. Shane raises his eyebrows, looking at Landon. “May the best man win, huh?”

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