Page 39 of Taming Her Cowboys

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I shake my head. “I can’t buy a new car, Clint.”

It’s the closest I’ve come to admitting our financial state in front of all three of them, and all three of them tense. Realizing that I might have just said too much, I kick at a tuft of grass.

“Well. Thanks for getting Kendall and me out of there and home,” I murmur. “I… appreciate it.”

“Shane loves bar fights.” Landon grins. “Anytime.”

“If those guys decide to press charges?—”

“They won’t,” Clint says with a glare. “They better fuckin’ not, anyway.”

The ghost of a smile traces my lips before I look over at the house. It’s dark.

My dad is in bed, and my heart shivers. I don’t want to wake him.

In the drive, I turn back to the guys. “Can I stay at your place?”

Shane looks mildly shocked. “What?”

I’m shocked that I said it, too. “Can I… Look, my dad is… he’s recovering. He was sick, and now he’s a lot better, but I don’t really want to wake him. Can I just stay with you? I’ll sleep on your couch. Won’t make any noise, and I’ll walk back in the morning. Please?”

I don’t want to beg them, but also…

Okay. I don’t want to wake my dad up, but even more than that, I’m not quite ready for the night to end.

This has been the most fun that I’ve had in basically forever. My shitty college boyfriend cheated on me. I graduated, then found out my ranch was in trouble. Came home. Found out the ranch was in even deeper trouble. And that my dad was recovering from cancer.

I’d say that I’ve earned some fun, and darn it, tonight was fun.

I want to keep that momentum going, and I really want the guys to be there with me. Something about them makes me feel… like I’m not alone.

The guys exchange a glance before Clint gives a sharp nod. “You can sleep in my room.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’ll sleep on the couch,” I protest.

His head swivels. “Nope. You can sleep in my room,” he says again.

I sigh. But we all get back into the truck, leaving my SUV behind.

The ride over to Wild Spur seems to go by fast. Mostly because as we go, I’m… joking with the guys. Chatting. Laughing. Even Clint seems to crack a smile, and when we get there, I’m almost completely sober, but my mind is made up.

I can’t pick just one of them. I like them all. Together.

What I have in mind? It’s crazy. But crazy just might be right up their alley.

When we get inside, I look around with new eyes this time. “You really didn’t change much from the old owners,” I breathe, looking at where the furniture is even the same.

“Didn’t need to.” Shane shrugs.

“Hmm,” I murmur. I look over at him and try to give a sexy smile. “How about that whisky collection?”

Shane shakes his head, laughing. “You really want to try it?”

“Bring out the big guns. Show me what you got, cowboy.”

He lumbers away, and I hear him go up the stairs. Clint is leaning in the corner, and Landon’s sitting on the couch. I sit next to him.

“So, you three,” I say, looking at him and Clint. “What’s the deal?”

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