Page 84 of Wild Distortion

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He shrugs. “That was always the plan. I was just… tired. Between my father’s expectations and school, I needed a break.” I understand. I came here with a fantasy that this place was so much better than my island life. Look how that turned out. “So, what did you do on the island?”

“Well… Ryker told me I was a John of all trades?” My voice lifts. Did I say that right? David laughs.

“Aww, the famous Ryker Dallas. I saw a picture of you two.” He playfully waves me off and I duck my chin, not wanting to talk about this with him. “We’ll talk about that later.” At least his reaction is less brutal than my dad’s. “Jack,” he clarifies and I snap my fingers and nod. I knew it sounded wrong. “You held a lot of different jobs then?”

“I enjoyed staying busy, so I would take extra jobs here and there. But I had one primary job. I owned a cookie business.”

“An entrepreneur,” he boasts. His reaction of approval spurs a sense of worthiness inside my chest. “Where did you sell them?”

“I sold them to all the hotels. At first, the hotels would by a basket from me each day to sell in the snack shops. But then guests would ask where they could get more. Eventually, all the hotels ordered one for every room, for every night.”

David’s eyes widen. “Wow. That’s fantastic.”

“Thank you. I was excited at how quick it took off.”

“You should be proud.” He beams.

“Yeah. But now…” I pick at invisible lint on my jeans. “I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“Let me ask you first, do you want to stay in the US? And it’s okay if you tell me no,” he adds.

“I do.”

“Then, why not pick up where you left off? Aspen, the possibilities are endless here.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “You make that sound so easy. I don’t even have a pla—” I stop talking, afraid he’ll ask me to live with them when he hears I have nowhere to live. I’m not ready for that conversation. I can afford to go anywhere so I don’t need their help, but finding where I want to live is more the question.

“Aspen, listen, we’re not expecting an overnight relationship. This is a work in progress.” He points to me and him. “This is exactly what I want. Us talking and getting to know each other. That’s it.”

I like him already.

“I’m going to go in. Beatrice has peeked out the window at least ten times already, and if I’m out here when she peeks again, I’m in trouble.” I glance to the window and the curtains move back quickly, making him chuckle. “She really would like to talk to you, too, if that’s okay.”

I nod, placing my hand on his that lays between us. “I’d like that. Thank you. And I’ve enjoyed this.” He lays his other hand on top of mine and squeezes before he stands.

After he goes inside, my anxiety spikes again, and I already miss his calming aura. Because I know with Beatrice, it’ll be anything but.

Chapter Thirty-Four


The creak of the door has me shifting already in my seat. She takes two steps outside, closing the door behind her. Her eyes bounce to mine with hesitation. She crosses and uncrosses her arms and then she chuckles. “I just don’t know what to do.”

“Do you want to sit down?”

That’s all the invitation she needs before she beelines it to the swing. “I’m sorry—”

“Please stop,” I interrupt, reaching out to cover her hand that's sitting on her lap. “I don’t need you to apologize. Let’s just talk.”

She pulls in her lips and nods. “I can do that. Heck, my kids tell me I never stop.” Her shoulders deflate and she drops her chin at the mention of my siblings. The last thing I want is for her to walk on eggshells around me.

“It’s okay. Tell me about them.”

“You have two brothers and a sister. Mila, Carson, and Liam. They’re all so excited to meet you too.” I blow out a shaky breath. Nothing like being thrown all in. “When you’re ready. They understand this is a lot for you.”

“Everyone keeps asking me if I’m ready. I don’t know if it’s the best idea to wait until I’m ready. That might never happen. It’s better to get it all out now so we can move past this awkward phase.”

“I can appreciate that given the circumstances.” I peek over when she stops talking. The wrinkles around her eyes deepen with her smile when our eyes meet. “I still can’t believe you’re here.” Her eyes water as she loses control of her emotions. She blinks back her tears and waves her hand in front of her. “I’ll just warn you now that I’m a hot mess.”

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