Page 85 of Blinding Echo

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Everly cries, “No! He’s mine.”

“I didn’t tell you because he’s not mine,” I plead.

“I don’t believe you. Either of you. Shut up and let me think!” He squeezes his hold around Reed and Everly cries harder. “I don’t know which one of you is even Ellie.” He keeps glancing at his watch, which makes me think he’s in a hurry. Help must be on the way. I just need to keep him here a little longer.

Stepping forward, I admit, “I am. I’m the one you want. Take me, he’s not yours. He’s my sister’s son.” I point to Everly.

He narrows his eyes. “And what, your twin gave birth the exact same time you would’ve had my son?”

He takes a step toward the door and says, “Come on son, we have a lot to catch up on.” I scream for him to stop as he drags him toward the door and Everly screams, lunging in his direction. He raises the gun and I know with every fiber in me he’ll pull the trigger. He‘s a psychopath. I jump, shoving her out of the way when the sound of a gun goes off.

I hit the ground and my head dizzies.

Screams ring in my ears.

My vision blurs from the pain.

Chapter Forty-Three


“Are they moving them already?” I ask, looking down at the app, watching the dot move away from the safe house. Why is Reed moving?

“I haven’t heard.”

Max makes a phone call while I stare at my phone. Hudson peers over my shoulder and watches with me. Spikes of unease work up my spine. Something doesn’t feel right.

“They haven’t moved them, and they can’t get a hold of Agent Clyde.” Max taps on his earpiece, turning it on. He explains the situation and instructs Stone to head to the house and we’ll follow Reed’s position. Stone, Wayne, and Cody are in the SUV ahead of us. We split off, heading west.

“Kase,” I glance up at Max and he’s staring at my jostling foot. I grit my teeth and make my foot stop moving. My racing pulse zipping through me, has my body temperature burning up. “We’ll find them.”

All my senses are on hyper-alert as I listen for an update from the guys when they get to the house and keep my eyes on my phone, afraid I’ll miss something. Squeezing my eyes shut so the burning sensation of not blinking will go away, I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I won’t be any help if I’m not able to take control of my emotions.

“Girls are here,” Stone’s voice comes into our earpiece. “Ray has Reed.” His voice trails off. Or maybe the shock is deafening. Panic laced with confusion runs through me. Why does Ray have Reed? Does he know we’re after him and he took him to barter for freedom?

I yank the earpiece out of my ear to stop the ringing in them, but it doesn’t stop.

He can’t have Reed.

He’s mine.

When I look up, I notice we’re stopped on the side of the road. “What the hell, Max, we don’t have time for this,” I growl at Max.

“Get out of the car.”

My eyebrows shoot up as Max gets out. We’re on the shoulder of the highway, Max walks around the front of the car over to my door. When he opens it, he waits for me to get out. I glance back at Hudson and he shrugs. Jumping out, I stare at Max, standing there with his arms crossed.

“What are we doing Max? I need to find my son.” I fist my hands, nails digging into my palms.

“Throw rocks, scream, go run around the damn car. Do something to release some of that anger because I need you focused when the time comes. And the fucking time is coming. But I need to trust that mistakes aren’t made because you can’t focus.”

I growl up to the clouded sky and then glare at Max. “Pick me up down the street.”

I take off in a sprint down the highway. Cars zip by me and their speed spurs me to go faster. After two, six-minute, miles, I slow my pace, my legs burn from the intense run. I ignore the couple of honks when I strip my sweat-soaked shirt off me, wiping the sweat from my forehead. My heart is pumping, but my mind is clear.

Max rolls up beside me with the window rolled down. “Let’s go find your son.”

The dot stopped moving fifteen minutes ago. Ray’s taken him to a desolate house in the woods. Branches crunch under our feet in the silent air as we walk through the thick trees.

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